by MacGyver » January 24th, 2010, 9:44 pm
well, as for being the opposite sex, some peoples minds dont match their bodies, they may have the body of a man but the mind of a woman and vise versa but, the atomic wedgie thing is what i cant figure out, and underwear dont stratch that far ubnless they are huge for ya or something on the human body gets mutilated in the process. so, why? what is the point, and why go through the pain?
could you imagine if such a file were made and released what mnight happen? before ya know it, people would be walking around in the stores with atomic wedgies thinking it is cool or something, and where ever you would go, there would be atleast a dozen or more poeple walkign around with atomic wedgies, even at the grocery store. next thing they will be complaining it hurts yet they like it and dont know why.