Uhhhhh.....Little help here

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Uhhhhh.....Little help here

Postby A2Z1341234 » April 14th, 2010, 1:34 am

isn't like hypnosis kinda bad i mean, taking advantage of peoples minds arnt you a bit worried what might happen?. It seems like everyone is getting brain washed, i know the average human being will give into temptation curiosity because humans are not the smartest race. But isn't this site a bit weird? i am really confused and listening to one of those tapes is not going to help me.
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Postby zapnosis » April 14th, 2010, 5:19 am

Hi A2Z1341234,
Snappy name. No, hypnosis isn't bad, it is a psychological tool. Like most tools it can be used effectively or less so and it can be used for many different things. But it isn't magic and it isn't absolute like the "mind control" seen in cartoons, comics, films and such. It is just another tool. Like most tools, it can be used for bad purposes or good ones and it pays to be aware of this. The same can be said about a hammer, a car or even a computer.

But unlike a hammer, car or computer, hypnosis only uses what the body provides - there are no extra chemicals or forces involved. It is simply a matter of using parts of the brain that we are otherwise too busy to notice. The survival instincts that regulate our behaviour apply just as much here as anywhere else. It is no more dangerous than going outside, talking to people you don't know, driving down a road you haven't driven before, etc.

Isn't this site a bit weird? Yep. People come here for all sorts of reasons and looking for all sorts of things. If those things could be bought in Wal-Mart, then they probably wouldn't come here.
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby darkenedav » April 14th, 2010, 1:42 pm

I get the feeling the sci word with ent with o and lo and gy word springs to mind with A2Z1341234's comment.

Ignorance is only bliss when your not hating.
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Postby A2Z1341234 » April 17th, 2010, 6:08 pm

Thanks for answering and sorry for the name i was in a hurry and A2Z (my usual made up name) didn't work lol. i also head you cannot hypnotise people if their morals or something are broken, and if you do they snap out of it is this true?

also im aware that hypnosis can increase work effectiveness, fix phobias etc.
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Postby Calimore » April 17th, 2010, 9:14 pm

A2Z1341234 wrote:Thanks for answering and sorry for the name i was in a hurry and A2Z (my usual made up name) didn't work lol. i also head you cannot hypnotise people if their morals or something are broken, and if you do they snap out of it is this true?...

You summed it up in a nutshell, A2Z, but remember, if a suggestion goes against one's moral code, it's not only likely to be ignored but is also likely to alert the subject to the fact that further suggestions may not be credible, prompting the conscious mind to break trance if deemed necessary.

With so many built-in safeties and backups, one really has to marvel at the human mind.


PS: I used to belong to one particular sect of Christianity, but since it happened to be one of the few that specified that the practice of hypnosis is against their interpretation of the Gospel, I now just call myself an Enlightened Protestant. I consider it their loss, not mine.

Last edited by Calimore on April 26th, 2010, 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby iamli3 » April 25th, 2010, 5:22 am

reading this reminded me why i stopped reading s#$% on this site , f#$% that feeling , my body can't afford the risk of injuring it's pathetic self over this.....

"No, hypnosis isn't bad."
no , it's f#$%ing evil , truly i can't make up my mind between my thoughts and if this is the most evil out of all , but right now was enough of a little wake up slap in the face for me to say it is , but hay what do i know........

also , does anybody reading this happen to check out that 1 topic either on this section or the help with files section (since they are usually the same thing) that was talking about the magic eye stuff and the skipping of the mind for dechavu or mind predictions or w/e? i can't really remember now it's like 4:30 in the morning so ya , i made a reply or 2 and i meant to reply back again but my procrastonistic self never got around to it , and now it's like 2 months later or something >_> ..............
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Postby KiruGX » April 25th, 2010, 6:37 pm

Hypnosis is like the Average PC,if the PC was your mind,most average users use it for daily things when needed,but some people go into deep folders,edit lines of text,and change some things about the computer.The more you do it the more of a chance there is to fuck up.

So tread cautiously and enjoy yourself ^^
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Postby BobbyS » June 7th, 2010, 8:15 pm

"No, hypnosis isn't bad."
no , it's f#$%ing evil , truly i can't make up my mind between my thoughts and if this is the most evil out of all , but right now was enough of a little wake up slap in the face for me to say it is , but hay what do i know........

No, people are bad. Hypnosis is just a tool.
It's like saying a bread knife is bad if someone gets stabbed with one. It has its practical application, but people can misuse it to harm others.
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Postby angel123 » June 8th, 2010, 10:38 am

KiruGX wrote:Hypnosis is like the Average PC,if the PC was your mind,most average users use it for daily things when needed,but some people go into deep folders,edit lines of text,and change some things about the computer.The more you do it the more of a chance there is to fuck up.

So tread cautiously and enjoy yourself ^^

I agree ....

It's just so interesting what hypnosis can do and what shouldn't be done ...
I read a lot, took people's advice from here and now I am very happy with what I am doing with hypnosis. I am treading carefully, with the files, with people who contact me and with what I do to myself.

I am also a Christian - open minded nonetheless, but I don't see hypnosis in itself as evil or I wouldn't try it at the level I am.

Good luck :)
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Re: Uhhhhh.....Little help here

Postby Alien4420 » June 8th, 2010, 10:58 am

A2Z1341234 wrote:isn't like hypnosis kinda bad i mean, taking advantage of peoples minds arnt you a bit worried what might happen?. It seems like everyone is getting brain washed, i know the average human being will give into temptation curiosity because humans are not the smartest race. But isn't this site a bit weird? i am really confused and listening to one of those tapes is not going to help me.

Well, this is a fairly evil site! You have to be very careful about what you listen to. There are other sites devoted to more positive hypnosis for stopping smoking, losing weight, gaining self esteem, etc. I've been helped by files like that, forex EMG has a stop procrastinating file that works really well. But the evil files are more fun. :-)
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Re: Uhhhhh.....Little help here

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » June 8th, 2010, 6:04 pm

Oscar Wilde wrote:I'd rather have fifty unnatural vices than one unnatural virtue
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Postby DancingShadow » June 8th, 2010, 6:22 pm

I think that if there is one thing that EMG and anyone else on this site should stand for, is that your here by choice.

Hypnosis, despite everything portrayed in the media cannot force you into anything.

And ultimately, people choose to log onto this website, and they have to click past warning signs to do so. If at the end of the day you think its too risky then the door is over there ------->

Oh wait no its moved... DUN DUN DAH!

Seriously though, if you don't like it, leave. I'm sure that there are plenty of people (Including EMG I think) who would be willing to help if you ended up in a bad place.
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Interesting topic, maybe.

Postby sarnoga » June 8th, 2010, 8:39 pm

Does one know evil when lost in trance?

Time to look around. EMG. What does it stand for. Last I checked it was Evil Mindwarp Guy. Or did I just make that up.

Is this site evil? Is hypnosis evil? What is evil? What is good? Who is to say?

There is a saying that, "evil is in the mind of the beholder".... Wait, I may have the wrong saying. Oh yeah, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Close, damn near the same. Looks beautiful to me, looks evil to you, or maybe it's the other way around. Damn, I never could get that one right.


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Re: Interesting topic, maybe.

Postby angel123 » June 9th, 2010, 8:43 am

sarnoga wrote:Does one know evil when lost in trance?

Time to look around. EMG. What does it stand for. Last I checked it was Evil Mindwarp Guy. Or did I just make that up.

Is this site evil? Is hypnosis evil? What is evil? What is good? Who is to say?

There is a saying that, "evil is in the mind of the beholder".... Wait, I may have the wrong saying. Oh yeah, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Close, damn near the same. Looks beautiful to me, looks evil to you, or maybe it's the other way around. Damn, I never could get that one right.



Damn !!!!!! You just hypnotised me ............. 8O :wink:
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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