Hypnotic euphoria

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Hypnotic euphoria

Postby thewiredslain » August 13th, 2010, 4:09 am

How's this for a simple hypnosis idea: pure pleasure.
Not sexual, at least not necessarily. Just limitless waves of increasingly euphoric bliss, a live wire into pure joy that leaves the subject laughing and even weeping from unreserved, unending happiness?

Get on that! I'll buy it!
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Postby mutatedbunnyboy » August 13th, 2010, 7:01 am

you never watch doctor who? :P it all goes wrong when you have bliss on tap :lol: but no i think this would be interesting, too. something that produces a constant wave of endorphins you'd be on a constant high... might be nice
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Postby 1love » August 19th, 2010, 7:33 pm

Interesting. Its certainly been proved that hypnosis can alter hormones. A natural chemical that the brain controls. What about THC from marijuana or endorphins from chocolate, or something similar. All these are chemicals that are produced in your body. If the brain can control them, you may be on to something.
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Postby gwyn » November 8th, 2010, 1:16 am

mutatedbunnyboy wrote:you never watch doctor who? :P it all goes wrong when you have bliss on tap :lol: but no i think this would be interesting, too. something that produces a constant wave of endorphins you'd be on a constant high... might be nice

just the fact that someone mentioned Doctor Who on here got me high.

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Postby BiffWallop » November 8th, 2010, 2:38 pm

There are lots of files out there that use the word Euphoria in their titles. I believe Isabella Valentine has one and Lady Lita has one too. There are even Brainwave files called euphoria. I have yet to find one that actually produces euphoria. So it's been done, but not very well in my opinion.
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Re: Hypnotic euphoria

Postby DKaiser » November 8th, 2010, 4:13 pm

thewiredslain wrote:Get on that! I'll buy it!

Problem is that it's a bit personal to everyone. Just as different people experience loss of equilibrium in trance differently(some feel floaty, some feel very heavy), euphoria is much the same way. I know how it feels to *me*, as it's happened once or twice without suggestion, but to other people it may feel different, and I'm not comfortable putting a price on a file that may or may not work for everyone at an appropriate level of skill.

(Coincidentally, that's also why I'm slow on file creation: Far too much research goes into a file idea before it ever gets to a finished product, even though the recording/editing takes less than an hour).
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Postby slift » November 9th, 2010, 2:20 pm

I agree that this would be a interesting file and probably wouldn't mind trying it if created. Also I agree the word euphoria has been use in file names but I only remember only one file that actually causes pleasure and thats to pee your diaper. It is in that way a new idea.
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