Problems trancing(Help needed with the right approach)

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Problems trancing(Help needed with the right approach)

Postby BDweller » March 4th, 2011, 4:24 am

EDIT:I want to clarify that this is not related to any specific files, but rather to the way my mind responds to inductions in general.

So I've been listening to several induction files, nothing fancy, just simple files aimed at having you experience trance.

I have tried quite a lot of the usually recommended files like:

-Sarnoga's Road Home and Adderall Boys

-Blink's Basic Induction

-Lutz's Bubble Induction

-Cardigan's Gradual Induction and Deep Trance

-Dldrip's dldrip009

-Haxsaw's Attaining Entrancement

-Poptart634's Deep trance

-Henkk Thok's Ultimate induction

-Ocntrl BasicInduction 003 and total relaxation

Among others , however these are the ones getting better results

(If what I'm getting can be called results though)

(No EMG's files, I know it sounds weird but its a voice I just cant focus into, it gets on my nerves)

I have tried them several times each, I get very relaxed and overall i feel sucked into the hypnotist's voice.

Now , the problem is that as soon as I am suggested anything,
(be it as obvious as asking you to stare and then asking you to notice how tired and heavy your eyelids feel)
I get very nervous and it ruins my relaxation.

I suddenly become aware,
(given I usually get kind of zoned out and most of the time I am not aware nor I care about my surroundings).

I get full of expectation:
"Will it work?"
"Will I really feel more relaxed as the count goes?"

And of course given the excitement, my heart rate going crazy,the sudden awareness... It didn't work.At all.

"DAMMIT I screwed up" I think.

Then doubt assaults me:

"Should I keep listening?"

"How is this part going to work given it was supposed to be heard while tranced?"

To me it feels like if there was some kind of bullshit detector that awakes me in a rush because it doesn't believe the suggestions are going to work.

For example, any kind of

"Notice how your (X limb) is getting relaxed, relaxed and heavy ...
(some time later)
notice how hard is to move it right now"

Not even a slight resistance, not mental nor physical.

Then I get discouraged, because it WAS supposed to work, and now it didn't I'm ultra resistant to the rest of the file, as if it was some kind of negative reinforcement that it wont work.

It sounds as if I was trying to prove myself it doest work, but consciously it's quite the opposite.

I don't know what to do and how to approach it.

Am I really hopeless?

This whole thing makes the idea of not being able to be hypnotised to linger in the back of my thought.I try to resist, and not to judge or analyse things I hear,however its taking over.

Given I that don't know and don't have anyway to know if I am making any progress towards trance, every fail, every try , is a disappointment and as I said, seems to increase my resistance to future uses of the same induction.

Any tips on the right approach to follow for a newbie who has never been hypnotised before?

How does a hypnotic trance feel like?

How can I know if I am making any progress at all?

My mind is very... dunno systematic so It kind of craves evidence of progress.
(Though I know there are everyday life's trances when you seem to put the autopilot on, and it happens quite a lot to me too.

PD:Excuse my poor English writing.
When listening it's not an issue, since im a lot better at listening than at writing.

And no, I don't need to be consciously translating everything I'm hearing,It has been automatic for quite some time now.
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Postby hydrogenocarbonate888 » March 4th, 2011, 4:07 pm


I had the same trouble and I do find a kind of solution already posted on the forum, so please forgive me for using the same message :
<< I had trouble to get into trance too. To be honest I still have. But actually some files I use are working. My method ? No trance! Two pieces of advice :
1° Add a background file to the ones you're listening. I do like Calimore's ones ("x minute Background Binaural"),
2° Listen to those files&binaural as you would do with music. Surfing on the web, consulting your email, reading? Headphones on ! And to conclude your session, I recommend one final listening before sleeping.
That's what I did, without minding going to trance or not and I get good results in something like two or three weeks : my files work and I'm going more and more sleepy every time I listen to them (for those with induction indeed).>>

So, hope I helped you even a bit...
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Postby BDweller » March 4th, 2011, 5:35 pm

hydrogenocarbonate888 wrote:Hello

So, hope I helped you even a bit...

In some way you have, and your advice is really appreciated as it encourages me to keep trying.

But I'm specifically aiming at trance itself, of course , following your advice,
I could start on trance inducing trigger files.Over time the triggers could substitute the induction ,but that's just not the way I roll 8) .

I suspect something is getting in my way to relaxation, on letting go.

I feel as when , as a child, had some insomnia nights, it didn't matter how relaxed or willing I was , sleep wouldn't come, and my mind would wander obsessively around that fact.Constantly bashing myself for my own inability to fall asleep, thus making it even harder.

This is something I need to solve, and achieving trance is one nice goal to have, given it pretty much means overcoming this.

So I'm looking for pointers to "defeat myself" on this. specifically on the behaviour described on the first post.

Again, thanks for replying and for the advice so many views and no replies was making me think the issue was so ridiculous no one was bothering to leave a comment.

I admit my first post is a badly formatted wall of text , but the core of it is the questions at the end about what should be my attitude when the described happens.

Also, What does trance feel like?
Is it like for example when you zone out doing something tedious or repetitive and start doing it without thinking?

If certain file isn't working should I pretend and consciously follow the suggestions?

If i get to the part that is supposed to be heard while already in trance(usually small on inductions)
without being into trance should I keep listening?

This might sound stupid but,I find it extremely hard to focus and relax with my eyes open and ridiculously easy otherwise.Is that normal?

If a suggestion doesn't work should I pretend?

I have poor visualization skills :(
Might not visualising what's being told properly affect greatly the effectiveness of the induction?

Just some thoughts and questions.Right now I feel swimming in an ocean of uncertainty.
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Postby CharredSoul » March 5th, 2011, 4:44 am

from what i have gathered from people that think they have trouble of going into trance is failing to recognise what it is in the first place its a naturally occuring experience that we have many times in a day.

the feeling is that of a day dream where you totally immerse yourself in to the experience, highway hypnosis driving along and not knowing that you have driven for the last 5mins ect. but the great one is a hypnagogic state, that very nice state between awake and asleep.

also visualisation is what people think it is either, its just imagining, imagine what it would be like to see a red apple in your hand. it doesn't necessarily have to be an image, it could in the form of a feeling ect.

don't worry so much about what is and what isn't happening, just let it all go and have an experience, and build on that experience.

1stly i would reccomend relaxation, what would it be like if the top of your head were to relax? what would it feel like if that feeling flowed all the what down to the tips of your toes.

2ndly just playing along or pretending that hypnosis and change is taking place does have the same effects as hypnosis

thats all i have for now

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Postby BDweller » March 5th, 2011, 4:57 pm


It seems that my stubborn sceptical mind would react better when given proof, so I have started listening to
Cardigan's Itching Foot[/url]

I understand everyone has different experiences, but, for some1 that has never been into deep trance... How long might it take to notice any effects?

Left and right i see comments and thread posts that claim to have had the desired effect(or at least part of it) in relatively few time(days to weeks)

So for some1 that is just starting how long could the average time be?
(counting I'm almost exclusively listening to inductions)

Not to take full effect, but rather any effect at all so I can stop worrying about not making any progress.

Also , any suggestions with similar files that offer simple "proofs" not in the form of triggers?

I would prefer to avoid curses(for obvious reasons) and files with complicated effects that would need a deep trance and/or a long time to take effect.
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Postby CharredSoul » March 5th, 2011, 6:03 pm

scepticism is great, especially in hypnosis. but would reccomend for you to look for an indirect induction or a confusion induction.

or my other suggestion is too look up an elman induction, learn the mechanics of the induction, and walk yourself through the steps.
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Postby ocntrl » March 6th, 2011, 3:50 pm

Since you have tried two of my files (thank you for that), and based on your feedback, I would like to suggest some other files for you.

First of all, there's the rather boring but sometimes helpful file 'how to listen to a file' I made ( It has helped some people with similar issues like yours.

Second, I would like to suggest to add something a bit different to the experience. Take a look at the hypnotest video (' after you listened to the file I mentioned before. Adding a visual effect may help you.

And last, you can watch the 'sleep and hypnosis trigger' on youtube ( It will be a nice way to gradually understand how you experience hypnosis, since it is slightly different for everyone.

Of course, since I am a sucker for people that have trouble trancing and truly want to try without bullshit, feel free to contact me for a session :-)
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Postby BDweller » March 8th, 2011, 4:54 am

Thanks a lot for the advice,I have started taking It.Andnoticed some slight changes.

I decided to start over,everything done before wasn't made with the right attitude and seems like a poor base to start upon.

I'm detailing everything in my journal(:!: Wall of text with no TL;DR there).It should be pretty high on the list since I update it daily(3 entries already!)


(Sorry for the attention whoring :oops: )

So far, I haven't had any serious effects or fallen in trance yet.

But well, its been only 3 days since I started taking this different approach so it might take time(How much?) :?:

Anyway,you have been very helpful but now I need to get some experience before I ask more questions :?

EDIT: One more question Quoting from the journal here:

I read some comments about trance today,I don't remember exactly who said it(maybe it as a file or maybe some oppinions combined) or the exact words but they can be summarised as follows:

"Trance is like sleep, you don't 'try' to sleep, you know when its supposed to happen and you set the environment so it happens, you LET it happen but you don't actively try to sleep.If you do so, you end up unable to fall asleep,the more you think about it the harder it becomes.
Same applies to trance, you just let it happen, because you know you enjoy it .You don't seek it.
Given the circumstances the hypnotist helps you prepare you just let it happen,because its natural."

Certainly I have much to learn from that lesson,however, I have been falling asleep my whole life.I have developed a lot of confidence in the fact that
even if I lose conciousness I'm still going to wake up fine(and more rested!).
I KNOW what to expect of sleep, I know how it FEELS.And more importantly, I have established a routine kind of a ritual, with a place,that heavily conditions my mind to fall asleep when performed.(Checking news-sites,taking a shower, changing clothes ,getting into the bed and turning the lights off.For example.)

But, I have no such anchors or habits with trance.I absolutely don't know how its supposed to feel.

So how is trance supposed to feel and what should I expect?
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Postby CharredSoul » March 9th, 2011, 5:08 am

how do you know that you haven't been in trance?


if you could experience trance how do you think you would experience

what would happen for you?

ever had a thought that you totally immersed youself in that you lose focus on what you are doing in "reality"? that is a good trance state to aim for but there is lighter states that you can achieve easily and just stack ontop of that experience.

you are hitting and experiencing blockages, as i said before try an indirect induction, it is the best way to get around any resistence.
and instead of focusing on what is not happening, focus on what is happening and build the experience from there. come at it from the state of intrigue and fascination, instead of frustration.

or you could simply go to a hypnotist. ask for one session. or ask to be taught self hypnosis which could easily be done in one session

good luck
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