The easy access to files causing mental and other illness

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The easy access to files causing mental and other illness

Postby hobbydiver » April 24th, 2011, 10:27 am

The worst thing about WMM is perhaps not its files in themselves, but the fact that anyone has access to too many of them.

As admitted by others, some files on the site may, or even intend to, cause serious mental illness. See Catgirl's and Jocoburline's messages Nov.7th 2010 in the thread "Files causing mental illness"/General hypnosis. I fully agree so far. Even if a file doesn't explicitly suggest that you become depressed, this effect may very well occur.

Listening to WMM files in my case has caused depression, which is in itself a very serious thing, plus stress symptoms like headache, bad stomach, insomnia and severe esquema. My psychologist told me that addiction to hypnosis stuff on the net is psychologically about the same thing as addiction to alcohol and drugs. Scientists know that problems regarding dependency/ trying to quit cause higher bloodpressure and other stress symptoms. (Acording to a long article on the net, which unfortunately I can't refind, written by a hypno dom and psychologist (not Peter Masters), the mental pressure on the sub has significant stress effects on him or her.)

Any tist on this site of obvious reasons stresses the fact that the subject is responsible for his or her own actions. Yes, I agree, however adding: So are the tists. But what do they do? On Hypno-Fetish EMG admits that his favourite is to slowly break a person down until (s)he will do anything he desires. And the content of his and other files speaks for them. The "listen, obey and relax" mantra is introduced at an early stage to condition the subject to what may easily follow after some time: blank mind, heavy suppression of free will, dominance etc.

And many of these files may be listened to by anyone anytime. In some cases this is like giving alcohol to an alcoholic. EMG states that due to the nature of the internet it is actually impossible to lock a person out of a website. Does this mean that he isn't able to prevent pirates from collecting personal information about each one of us? And what about the "alcoholics" and others (teen-agers) who shouldn't be on the site?

EMG and many others on WMM are - or may very well be - creating victims by their hypnotizing files. Under trance they suggest that the subject is giving up his control and/or has no free will etc. And when both tist and subject have woken up from trance, the tist states that of course the subject has a free will, ignoring posthypnotic suggestions given and alike. Hynosis, though, is not a question of either or. There is a gradual development from one level to the other. The tists know this and use it systematically (and not seldom evilly) through the whole process from the very beginning. And when something goes wrong, they may deny what has been going on. The dangers combined with the use of hypnosis have led to restrictions in the legislations. Some websites, however, are administered by irresponsible hypnotists whose concern is not primarily law and ethics, but pleasure for those who can bear it. WMM must be a paradise for the unethical hypnotist. The anonymity on the net prevents the tists from being confronted with the wounds they create. The tist may just state that the subject alone is responsible for the problems which the tist has participated strongly in giving him, and then move on to the next victim. In person sessions (not via Skype) at least give the tist an opportunity to get to know the subject first and then to notice the changes that the trance eventually makes.

It is too easy to say that because a person listens to certain files on WMM, (s)he wants their suggestions to come true. This (what I referred to) is just and only an attempt on conversational hypnosis. A sub may agree to some of the suggestions, but not all of them. And he can agree to them sometimes, but not always. He may also want, or dream of, something resembling the tist's suggestions.

To the question on which files may cause mental or other illness, I would answer that it doesn't depend on the file necessarily, but on the person listening to them, and on what state (s)he is in, happy or not, heavily entranced or not etc. And I cannot see how it is possible to submit to the files on a long term basis without becoming rather seriously depressed or ill. On a long term basis - that means that some level of dependency or addiction may very well be involved. And addiction is often linked to depression.

Therefore I do find it irresponsible that a person trying to forget the traumas connected with WMM, cannot be locked effectively out of EMG's websites. The legality of erotic, mind control hypnosis on the net is generally a matter for the authorities. My point here is to speak for blocking of the access to EMG's websites for those subjects who (admit themselves that they) don't fit in or shouldn't be there. And I can't see why that should be impossible. If you have to pay via the net for services offered there, you have to give someone your identity, which means a possibility to limit the access. And don't just say that any technique has its weaknesses, that answer is too easy.
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Postby ohyouknow » April 24th, 2011, 3:21 pm

in some cases this is like giving alcohol to an alcoholic.

And in exactly the same way, it's the alcoholic's responsibility not to accept it, or go looking for it. If someone thinks that files on WMM have caused them to become mentally ill, it's their responsibility to keep away from the site.
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Postby DKaiser » April 24th, 2011, 4:35 pm

Sadly, despite any moral outrage that might be made of such an issue, there is a level of personal responsibility required. We have things like roads, that often run right outside people's houses; it's no one's responsibility but the person in question's to not run out and get mashed by an 18-wheeler.

The best that can be done is to ensure that the files we make aren't inherently harmful(I can get into specific files ala the previous topic, at which point I agree with you, but those are someone else's files, and I'm not a mod or admin, so my opinion on the matter doesn't change anything). For someone who has issues with personal responsibility, the problem isn't the vice, it's the lack of responsibility, and trying to discourage people over someone else's problem isn't going to get a lot of sympathy.

Also, there is a lovely file called Deprogram All over here: [url][/url] , specifically designed to get rid of any lingering suggestions should the decision be made to stop with hypnosis. The very criticism of the genre works to deal with it: if suggestions are being a problem, then by definition you're suggestible enough to have suggestions fix previous ones.
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Postby radar » April 24th, 2011, 7:00 pm

Hi Hobby Diver.

Its a big bad world out here. Nothing is really going to stop a mentally ill/addictive natured/depressed person from buying a gun, finding illegal drugs, gambling, eating or worshipping the space kitten. There are too many ways around these things and at best all that could be offered is a band aid solution.

There are plenty of Net Nanny programs out that can be downloaded for free (If you want to block access to this site). Unfortunately an addicted person can find ways to turn it off. For any free site which offers items of addictive natures (porn, gambling, Utube etc.) - You can close someone out but they can get back in with a new name/email address/proxy IP address.

If perhaps you are thinking along the lines of everyone giving credit card details when they sign up - I think that very few people would like to have their real identities linked to their fetish. Especially with the quality of scammer/hacker out there today.

It is a shame when people's lives are turned upside down but mental problems but you cant expect EMG or others to be your easy fix. Sometimes you just have to take the right steps yourself an hope you get through.

Best of luck with your addiction/illness

Jo-Anne X
Last edited by radar on April 24th, 2011, 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby BearBoy83 » April 24th, 2011, 10:29 pm

I'm waiting for the file that makes the listener want to start smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, I could have a lot of fun with it :twisted:
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Postby Icono » May 1st, 2011, 1:37 am

Take accountability for yourself and block the site. EMG may be able to blacklist your IP or user account, but if you keep coming back with new info then what is supposed to be done?
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Postby CharredSoul » May 3rd, 2011, 8:46 pm

i find this totally laughable, before even begining hypnosis there is a general warning that if you have or suspect any underlying issue of mental instability do not use hypnosis. and if you find that you have adverse effects stop hypnosis.

and hypnosis as addictive, that is your assumption, and it differs from person to person, some people are addicted to that state, but some others use it to self regulate physical and mental issues. but i would see that being "Addicted" to a natural state would be alot healthier than using the majority of pharms or illict drugs that are out there.

and one last thing about suggestions your unconscious mind will not take on any suggestions that can cause harm to itself, due to defense mechanisms that have been put in place.

there is alot of misunderstandings in that post you might want to read up about it a bit more or even attend a short course or something to get more knowledge about it.
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Postby Jeshi » May 5th, 2011, 7:59 pm

Unless you're suggesting some sort of major revamp of how alcohol sale is regulated around the world so that alcoholics can't get alcohol then I think your comparison kind of falls apart.

Hypnosis is a device to convince people of things through suggestion. If someone can be convinced to develop a mental disorder which is normally caused by physical defects or serious trauma then that's a really really skilled hypnotist and a really really impressionable subject.
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Postby BobbyS » May 9th, 2011, 8:39 pm


Alcohol is legal as far as I know, but are you suggesting it should be prohibited because some people develop addictions?
Why not gambling while we're at it?
And video games?
And, er, sex? No?

If you have an addictive personality, that's something you need to work out for yourself, with professional help if that's what it takes.

Most files here are clearly labelled so you know what you're getting, and if they aren't - don't download them. Certainly don't complain if you do and then get side effects.

Don't blame them for your addictive personality. Get that addressed, then don't return to the site - blocking it from your router if that's what it takes.

As another poster said - if you don't like it, leave. Or in this case, listen to the deprogram file, then leave.
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Postby CharredSoul » May 10th, 2011, 5:06 pm

addictive personality?

really? people can become addicted to me? j/k
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