Looking for a file that...

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Looking for a file that...

Postby Gandal » July 26th, 2011, 6:38 am

- has results that are hard to consciously fake
- is fairly simple
- you find to be effective

I just want to test to see if these files work for me or not... :)
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Postby ocntrl » July 26th, 2011, 6:58 am

Why don't you try this one? Seems some people like it :-)

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Postby Jeshi » July 26th, 2011, 9:06 pm

Ocntrl's file there is pretty great but it's still pretty easy to fake if you really want to.

The thing is, hypnosis is all in the mind. Nothing you can do with hypnosis isn't something you could possibly do without it if you really wanted to. It's just all about motivating you/making you want to actually do it.

So really, something that would be hard for you to fake would be either very specific to the person, or something that might not work anyways because you really really don't want to do it.

An example for me would be that I used to always sleep in my clothes, I thought it was the most hygienic way to sleep and felt very uncomfortable in hot summers when I had to sleep naked.

I had no intention of changing this habit any time soon. Until some random file I found that had me under very deep surprised me with a suggestion to sleep naked. It did this so well that that night I simply had to sleep naked. And then it worked so well that from then on I always sleep naked whenever I'm in my own bed. Even in cold winters.

So I guess that's a file that's hard to fake? Just try to find a file which has you do something you're normally against doing but not necessarily to the point that being told to do it would jar you awake.

So, shaving body hair versus wetting yourself. That sort of contrast.
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Postby angel123 » July 27th, 2011, 3:22 pm

I think you hit the nail on the head Jeshi.

It also depends to whom you want to prove it's not a fake response or not.

I know myself that my responses aren't fake to certain triggers/ files but how can I prove it to you ... that's a whole other ball game ........
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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