Are the files working?

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Are the files working?

Postby MH1992 » August 1st, 2011, 4:17 pm

I have been using some feminization files and have noticed that about the day since i was listing to them i dont relly produce sperm anymore.
only a littile bit after trying a few times to see if anything would come.
is this a sign that the files are working or is it somthing els?
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Postby VeryGnawty » August 1st, 2011, 4:29 pm

Same thing happened to me after several months of attempting to use hypnosis for feminization. It is extremely difficult for me to ejaculate.
"Once, people only flew in their dreams. Now, they dream during their flights." - Howard Hendrix
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Postby MH1992 » August 1st, 2011, 4:55 pm

with me it happend after i listend for the first time and not after a few months but it probaly different for everybody.
in that time dit other things change?
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Postby VeryGnawty » August 1st, 2011, 10:40 pm

MH1992 wrote:
in that time dit other things change?

I have a lot of mental resistance to many of my desires, so it is very difficult for me. I began a metamorphosis project in December of last year. I have feminized a little, but not as much as I wanted.

Lots of things did change, actually. My skin tone, muscle/fat distribution, body odor, and a few other things. The changes have been fairly minor overall. I think I can achieve much more as I get better at focusing the mind. I'm trying to clear out all of the "junk" in the brain (such as guilt) which have been preventing me from continuing my metamorphosis to its full potential.
"Once, people only flew in their dreams. Now, they dream during their flights." - Howard Hendrix
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Postby CycoMelody » August 3rd, 2011, 11:08 am

VeryGnawty wrote:
I have a lot of mental resistance to many of my desires, so it is very difficult for me.

Oh my goodness do I understand that. Years upon years of being mind fucked by, I will just say, Organized Religion did it to me! Now it seems like any suggestion I try to listen to ends up like how the vogons handle business in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy...

"They wouldn't even lift a finger to save their own grandmothers from the ravenous Bug-Blatter Beast of Traal without orders signed in triplicate, sent in, sent back, lost, found, queried, subjected to public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as fire-lighter."
-Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
You define your reality!
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Postby chaset23 » August 4th, 2011, 11:37 pm

VeryGnawty.. what feminization files did you use?
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Postby VeryGnawty » August 5th, 2011, 2:07 pm

chaset23 wrote:VeryGnawty.. what feminization files did you use?

I don't use files. I use an advanced form of self-hypnosis by directly accessing the subconscious mind via meditation. I stopped using files or ideas from files many months ago. It is easier to come up with my own ideas because I have more control of them, and just plant them directly in the mind.

The results I have achieved are not satisfactory, but I'm working on a solution to that. It seems that diet has a big effect on the body. I've been eating mostly foods which are easy to digest, as foods which require a lot of resources by the body slow the progress of feminization.

More recently I've been doing more experiments with fasting. With the right meditation, fasting greatly enhances the mind. This makes my thoughts much easier to organize. I think with the right technique, I can achieve a great amount of feminization just with a few methods. By getting the mind and body in the right conditions, I'm certain I can feminize my body much faster than I have in the past.

I've been studying hypnosis and occultism for many years, though. This is not something you learn to do overnight. I can only hope that all my time will pay off. I am very motivated to do this because I don't want surgery, so I've been researching alternate methods to at least feminize the body as much as possible.

My sexuality has changed a lot, though. It feels more feminine and less masculine. Also, it is really freaking difficult to ejaculate. I tried masturbating today, and it took like two hours to ejaculate. If you are wondering why I bother masturbating for so long, it's because masturbation produces aromatase (which converts androgens into estrogens)

My skin has become really soft from the feminization. If I had tried masturbating for that long in one sitting a year or two ago, I would have come out of with the worst friction burns. One of the most interesting things about feminization is all the benefits that you don't expect :oops:

On a related note, there's no way I could have masturbated for two hours last year, anyway. I wasn't nearly as "calm" as I am now. I would have just wanted to shoot the load and get it over with.
"Once, people only flew in their dreams. Now, they dream during their flights." - Howard Hendrix
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