Safe Bladder Bowel Loss Success

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Safe Bladder Bowel Loss Success

Postby jtn2010 » November 9th, 2011, 1:09 pm

Okay so to begin I've done other files and have had moderate success. Nothing ever really against my my will, or even subconscious so much as plants seeds in my head (makes me think about it so much that I want it to happen, etc.) and play the part.

Well I started listenning to Safe Bladder Bowel Loss (by EMG) to type up the script. I was wearing a diaper because I wanted to be turned on by the possibility and midway through typing I just soaked myself without any thought. (it just kept going, I leaked and had a big ol mess to clean too).

Anyway, I listened to the file last night a few more times and wore a diaper to bed just because and I woke up with is soaked and again leaked apparently onto my bed (this is the first time I've ever actually wet the bed (even though I've wanted to) without waking.

Anyway after classes and such today I put on a diaper and listened to the file a few more time while finishing the script copying. Not long in I peed with barely noticing I had to go at all, but I wasn't surprised. When I stood up to go to the bathroom to poop (I've always been mixed on fecal incontinence), and immediately without applying any effort I filled the seat of my diaper as I stood up which scared me. While collecting stuff to clean myself in the dorm bathroom I ended up pissing myself enough to cause a small leak.

That's all happened in less than 24 hours which is very surprising (as I said before I've never been terribly willing or whatever but yeah this one is just taking off...having me very excited and somewhat scared lol). I ended up ordering some abena diapers online to try them out, maybe they'll leak less than Depends (being cheapo and what not).

Anyway, just felt the need to share :)
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Joined: November 30th, 2008, 1:00 am

Postby soundexcess » November 11th, 2011, 1:34 am

What ever I am 26y college student who love dps as well, though I am an ADISC member aswell.
congrats on the success and have fun though idt that will be a problem for you.
Posts: 176
Joined: April 27th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby babya13 » November 11th, 2011, 3:32 am

After several years of listening to files with little to no success, I found this file actually worked for me as well. I downloaded the file just to give it a try. At first, I was doubtful it would work (as nothing had up to that point), but nevertheless, I hoped it would.

I put on a diaper and got into a quiet, dark place to listen to file. The induction was very good and took me into a deep, comfortable trance. While listening, I lost some track of time, and almost before I knew it, I was awakened.

After getting up, I noticed I had to pee. I just told myself I was in a safe place and diapered, and almost instantly I was peeing the diaper. The odd thing was that it didn't feel how it normally feels when you're peeing. I wet to the point of nearly leaking. It was very enjoyable.

Recently, I repeated this when I had to both wet and mess. I put on a diaper, and again told myself I was in a safe place and diapered. Then I started to pee. After adjusting myself slightly, I started to poop. It didn't even feel like when you are normally pooping either. A bit surprising but very fun.

All in all, I would definitely recommend this file to anyone that was interested, and I hope you have success with with it as well.
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Joined: August 15th, 2005, 12:00 am

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