Abusive X Owner, Need help from Dom hypnotists

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Abusive X Owner, Need help from Dom hypnotists

Postby hallucinative » January 17th, 2012, 1:48 pm

Warning!: This thread may contain Triggers, Read at your own risk

g'day Guys and gurls!

For the last 6 months i've been going out with my pet in training, She has just recently moved in with me and I'm looking for some help and advice about her previous owner..

When she was quite young around 11 to 17 she was owned by a bloke that broke her in ways most POW's wouldn't be able to comprehend, so controlled that she would hold still while her owner drove a nail through her tongue to a chair just because he could..

She was beaten unconscious as apposed to other more friendly inductions and torture was more than acceptable in his eyes for instilling commands..

Now my problem is that even the many years after all this, shes in her early 20's and some keywords have a horrible reaction while under hypnosis bringing back vivid memory's that leave her completely unable to wake without some strong rousing...

For the past few weeks I have been working to lesson their hold but many are still inside her waiting like nasty ticking time bombs..

This Sunday coming up we're both writing down a list of keywords and commands used \ could of been used to clean up this mess and I would like to see if this fine community could give me some ideas

The last nasty one was "Obey" ended up redefining that word to be the short form of obedience and that seemed to save her a lot of stress.. as Obey on its own left her sweating with its original meaning..

So please post or pm a list of triggers, keywords or commands that are common for the more sadistic, I'm pretty vanilla when it comes to my triggers and commands so this isn't an easy thought process for me XD

Thanks in advance, Hall
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Postby outkast1728 » January 17th, 2012, 1:53 pm

you're not allowed to have triggers on the forum posts you nitwit!
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Postby hallucinative » January 17th, 2012, 2:00 pm


That is why i suggested PMing triggers, but i assume keywords used in general hypnosis or used as pushing points wouldn't be such an issue inside a thread, It was more of a warning in case some one replys with something that might trigger some one else XD

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Postby hallucinative » January 17th, 2012, 8:53 pm

urboss via pm wrote:I'm sort of new to this but I think I may be able to assist some what. What you are going to have to do is get her deeper than before maybe using a stair case deepener or an elevater deepener and assure her she is safe, her own room or a bubble, try the bubble induction on here, or at least find the script, then have her rememmber the triggers and what they do while she is not in any danger (like she would be looking at herself from a distance while answering the questions, I have done something similar to a friend, it was sooo long ago and I can't quite remember the wording but I got it from a book I read and re-phrazed some of it. If she's that messed up you may consider a professional, you could make it worst if the wording is not right.

Thanks urboss for your quick reply!

Getting her deep enough is pretty easy since she can't even stare at those hologram pictures without going under, I'll look in to the bubble induction, I made up my own concept but using a TV analogy where she could change the channel when things got too rough. I'd like her to see a professional but shes so untrusting all she gets out of it is psychic pain.

we've built up enough trust with each other to take her under with little to no risk, Now its just a matter of probing for the right keywords \ Triggers, No matter how deep I take her, some extended inductions taking up to an hour, she still can't think of any triggers\commands or keywords that he's used. Probably due to the fact that she was completely unconscious when they were added. His favorite way to put her under was a punch to the back of the head..

Thanks for your advice.

ttyl, Hall
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Postby demigraff » January 18th, 2012, 6:48 am

hallucinative wrote:she still can't think of any triggers\commands or keywords that he's used. Probably due to the fact that she was completely unconscious when they were added. His favorite way to put her under was a punch to the back of the head.

There's no way that's going to work as an induction; not in the way we use it, at least. From the response you describe, it sounds like he's been using some form of classical conditioning. Your "obey" example makes me think the word is more like a PTSD trigger than any kind of post-hypnotic suggestion.

I would strongly recommend seeking professional help in this case.
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Postby sfhole2stretch » January 18th, 2012, 12:38 pm

outkast1728 wrote:you're not allowed to have triggers on the forum posts you nitwit!

A rude, bullying and abusive response to a very impassioned post seeking a compassionate response. Why was it necessary to call this person a 'nitwit'? Very poor manners.
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Postby Midnight68652 » January 24th, 2012, 11:31 pm

Hmmm I'm a bit of a novice but hypnotism i have done to people can be very strong and life altering without them kicking it out. (depending on the individual of course)

My idea is alittle nasty but. Next time your under don't have her remember it but relive it. Make her mind to back to it so you can find out what he did directly and completely. Its an idea so it might not work but its worth a try. Though doing this could cause her a lot of pain you'll have to work out after if her mind doesn't fracture from it.

Best case is it works and you'll just need to confort her if she remembers when she comes out.

Though the worst case(absolute worst) is reliving the horrors causes her to go psycotic. (not the killer kind but the perminately instilutionalized kind.)

Though most likely when it gets to bad if theres any free will left in her. (any fight agianst obediance) her mind will kick the hypnotism off or force her mind off knocking her out.
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Postby cumcontrolboi » January 25th, 2012, 4:20 am

(felt a random impulse to respond to this thread with my two cents; use what you will, discard the rest; clear it with her as you need to)

Similar to the last post, perhaps instead of re-living the experiences which may have been traumatic to her...

Perhaps you could just have her re-hear the things being said, like a TV on in the next room, overhearing it... if she can voice the things she heard, instead, perhaps the memories of the words being used can be recovered. And, like a TiVo, perhaps she could fast-forward through the unpleasant.

There's a possibility to have her re-imagine it from the point of view of him, if there's any unconscious memories bubbling up from the depths, like unsettling a heavy toxin that has finally settled to the bottom of the pool, and then letting it settle back down again. Something I learned in Human Anatomy class was that 'the dose makes the poison'. You can make an anti-venom using a venom, or build up resistance to it through metering the dose to be the smallest necessary, the way an innoculation works by introducing a sample, a harmless sample that can be overcome by the body. However, if trying to 'remember' it from another point of view re-images herself experiencing these things, that's why I suggest the mental distance from the event.

If being in the 'mind' or experience of him would give her a sense of power over the situation (in memory), there could be a chance it could show her that there is no magic -- it was all in the mundane and crude and base. And true spirit ascends well past that.

Blessings, love, light, and well wishes in healing.
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Postby QueenCleopatra » March 16th, 2012, 7:56 am

I think you should leave this to a professional. What she went through sounds more like violence combined with hypnosis. You will probably get a really, really, bad abreaction. And you really need to know how to handle an abreaction.

I can't see the point in inviting a whole list of triggers. Her unconscious mind has them all.
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Postby saaass » March 16th, 2012, 10:34 pm

my pet was the same i had to remove so many triggers from her including suicide triggers i did it with deep trance if your pet trusts you then use old triggers or just hypnosis to get them deep make them know that your deeper and in more control of them than there ex was after there at that point have then take all the triggers given to them by there x and alter or remove them it is a very risky task and they need to trust you completely the deeper you go the better and make sure you tell them that the triggers wont activate in the trance not even triggers placed to protect the triggers
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Postby Jeshi » March 16th, 2012, 10:58 pm

Considering how young you say she was with her "previous owner" I definitely think that not only should you seek professional help, you should not be having a pet/owner relationship with her right now. I do not believe that an 11yo girl could end up in such a relationship consensually and continuing such a relationship, even if it is not abusive, is probably not good for her psyche. It normalizes it and could prevent her from recovering from what sounds like serious trauma.

Early twenties does not sound like it has been long enough since that abusive relationship. If she was under age of consent then the "previous owner" could and should face criminal charges for such serious abuse.

BDSM relationships can be fine, as long as they're started between two consenting adults who have outlined boundaries with mutual respect.

There is no way that this girl was in that kind of BDSM relationship from what you've said. You've even mentioned some things that don't make any sense from purely a hypnosis standpoint (for example: when someone is shocked in hypnosis, they wake up, not become catatonic. Waking someone up who is rejecting a suggestion should not be easy. If it's true that she won't wake up after hearing certain words, it probably has nothing to do with hypnosis at all and is a form of shutting down to avoid the outside world.)

Please do not pursue this relationship further for her own sake! Help her get professional help and when she has fully recovered on her own as a fully functioning independent adult woman, then you can see if she wants to consent to a normal healthy relationship, and then after a while, maybe you could ask her therapist if it would be a safe idea to pursue the pet/owner thing. I don't think bringing it up without asking the therapist would be a good idea, since someone who has been conditioned to accept such a relationship through such trauma would probably relapse and have trouble saying no.
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Postby Guuliar » March 17th, 2012, 8:23 pm

I agree, the pet/owner relationship at this point in her life is bad. Her aura is so warped and twisted right and her mind is like a field of weeds and thorns with her in the center of it. Her thoughts must feel like nails and jagged rocks. She needs professional help, and if she's let you into that circle, she needs you to help her with it. What a person thinks they are seeking and what they are truly seeking are two very different things.

If she can't seek professional help because of trust issues, then it's your job to help guide her to the point that she does. You need to help her stretch that aura out and relax it. I'd suggest gentle forms of meditation coupled with visits to the zoo, petting zoo, some sort of non-sentient warm body connection. Lots of outdoors experience, camping, hiking, fishing. Connecting with nature can really help clear her aura. Be sure to leave tech behind minus the phone, but use it only for emergencies or regular check ups but never socially.

After that, and her aura starts to grasp at other people easily again. Seek professional help. Even if she feels better at that point, some issues have a habit of trapping you no matter what you do.
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Postby chymos » March 18th, 2012, 5:06 pm

You said she has serious trust issues when it comes to therapists....yet you say she trusts you...

Consider this possibility: take her to a therapist, and be there WITH her, to support and protect her, to help her know she's safe because you're there to protect her.
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Postby mindscythe » March 28th, 2012, 3:10 pm

"Needing" professional help doesn't mean that either of them are able to afford the right professional help. I'm sure there are many people that need help from an experienced professional to deal with an issue, but finding someone with just the right skill is likely to be difficult, let alone paying for their services.

I don't know if that is the case of the original poster, but on behalf of anyone in a similar situation with financial limitations who reads this later, thank you if you have taken the time to post something constructive and helpful here.
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Postby Tangy » March 28th, 2012, 4:14 pm

mindscythe wrote:"Needing" professional help doesn't mean that either of them are able to afford the right professional help. I'm sure there are many people that need help from an experienced professional to deal with an issue, but finding someone with just the right skill is likely to be difficult, let alone paying for their services.

I don't know if that is the case of the original poster, but on behalf of anyone in a similar situation with financial limitations who reads this later, thank you if you have taken the time to post something constructive and helpful here.

How we know you not the one torturing her and getting Ideals from the forum to torture her some more? :roll: :roll: :roll:

Moving forward :!: :?: :idea: :arrow:
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Postby qv » March 28th, 2012, 7:28 pm

Tangy, dude, not the time or place for that kind of shit. I think we can honestly say we're all legitimately concerned, so please don't accuse other people of having anything to do with the abuse, jokingly or not.

It's not funny.
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Postby angel123 » April 6th, 2012, 1:51 pm

sfhole2stretch wrote:
outkast1728 wrote:you're not allowed to have triggers on the forum posts you nitwit!

A rude, bullying and abusive response to a very impassioned post seeking a compassionate response. Why was it necessary to call this person a 'nitwit'? Very poor manners.

I totally agree ...........
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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