best hypno for diaper dependency

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best hypno for diaper dependency

Postby msjody0572 » May 2nd, 2020, 11:02 am

I am currently training the boi here, subjugating him. I am working with another Dominant. the boi here signed a contract that keeps him in slavery, so it was his choice. i am currently keeping his pictures public till he is back in chastity and slave training.
We are looking for ways to take his bladder control away. I already require that he be diapered at all times, but I want to ensure there is no way back to normal urinary continence.
What are the best files to ensure we reach our goal with him?

Mistress Jody
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Re: best hypno for diaper dependency

Postby babytimmy » May 2nd, 2020, 12:11 pm

Hi Ms. Jody

I now thoroughly soak my double diapers every night while I sleep and I dribble during the day (the wetness indicator on my diaper will turn blue within an hour after I change my diaper during the day).

The files that have helped me the most are:

The Hypnotic Mist Series on this site by Sweet Dreams (especially the first one)
Daytime Wetting by Charlotte Gray on the Baby-Pants site (the Bedwetter file is also very good)
Diaper Wetting, Let it Flow by High Quality Erotic Hypnosis on Bandcamp

I hope this helps
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Re: best hypno for diaper dependency

Postby PotatoLord » May 3rd, 2020, 4:29 am

Ms. Jody

You need understand that hypnosis isn't magically (I'm sure you already this to some degree) and that it will only help your slave boy if he wants to wet his diapers all the time with no control. Also the other part is that he won't be truly incontinence once he gets to whatever point you think he needs to be. He will be able to gain that control back after his service to you is up if he wanted to and put in the little work that would be needed (won't take much from all data I have read over the years). Others here can better explain how hypnosis works and give better advice on what files would be useful.

Finally, I want to give you an example of how much results can vary depending on the person. So I've been wearing diapers close to 2 years now and using hypnosis to help and I'm no where near the level of the above poster. I haven't listen to hypnosis on consistance plan over the 2 past two years. For 4 or 5 months I had a great listening schedule stuck to it, saw some results, fell out of my listening schedule of and on not due to being discouraged due to my results, but life got in the way at times and I need more discipline in some are of my life. I still keep seeing results slow, but that is because I'm super anxious and self conscious about things in general. When I first started I could not go peepee if someone (even with my Daddy/part time Master) was watching me/holding my little weewee, or even if one of those dividing walls between urinals was missing. I had a super shy bladder, however now due to these past 2 years I can pee any where at any time (usually). I even had several accidents (not truly unstoppable but close).

Finally, as I mentioned early even if he gets to the level you desire he will still be able to regain control with just a little/very little effort. Think of it like this he has had complete control through what 90% of his life,yyou can't just lose complete control over a couple of months or a year why listening to hypnosis. His body and mind have that control function memorized so well it would take years or some major accident to make him truly incontinence. (my guess which is only a guess it would take at least half or 3/4 of however old he is to spend unlearning that control). Otherwise he will only get to the level of what most in here call functional incontinence.

P. S. To answer your question about the hypnosis gold I suggest any file that does not have things in it that he is against doing/has a huge mental dislike to those things. For me at the moment it is be turned into a girl (the more hardcore sissy things), loss control of messing (I could not risk having that type of accident happening at this point of my life, plus I'm against subjecting anyone who doesn't want to deal with the horrors of my smelly messy butt, because those things usually take me out of the moment and hypnosis level of deepness almost instantly.

Sarnago, wohermiston, mind master, and a few others (Emg hehe can't leave him out especially since he ran this site for so long) make very good files. Each person has their own style and add their own desires(goals) to the files that you may want or not. I have not tried many of the women voiced files on here except for the new version of mind master files (which I love) due time prefer and like a heating a male (I'm totally gay Hehehe). I suggest you have him try several kinds.
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Re: best hypno for diaper dependency

Postby PotatoLord » May 3rd, 2020, 4:42 am

These are the different people I have listened to over the years and always enjoyed their files: Mind Master (currently works with Sweet Dreams Hypno) , Sarnargo, and Thunderpup Shepard. Professor Pig, major pixel, I think Nimjahas maybe one or two files on this topic; but they make good file just not what I was looking for. There are lots sre women voiced files on here that Aldo does an exceed excellent wit there file.

Master Jekket who goles by AlphaSheperad made some great obedience/general slave/submissive files that I loved too (nothing about diapers of wetting but still a good files to help be obedient and submissive.
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Re: best hypno for diaper dependency

Postby msjody0572 » May 15th, 2020, 7:23 pm

After spending some time chatting with various members, I am convinced that hypnosis doesn't really work.

So how are some charging money for this? Probably because listening to the hypno is erotic, but that is it. The end effect is the hypno doesn't work like a switch and it doesn't matter how much time you spend with it, unless you are wearing diapers the entire time. In that case, it was wearing diapers that produced some loss of bladder strength.

This website is quite the sham.

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Re: best hypno for diaper dependency

Postby babytimmy » May 18th, 2020, 3:50 pm

Hi Ms. Jody,

I am somewhat in agreement with you and somewhat not. I believe that if someone really wants the hypnosis to work then over a fairly long period it will help that person achieve that goal.

In my case, for a long period of time I "kind of" wanted to be bladder incontinent but wasn't fully committed. I also "kind of" wanted to be humiliated for always having to wear diapers and use them like a baby. During this time, hypnosis files were very much like you said in the previous post.

Then I decided that I really did 100% want those things. Then, either the hypnosis files or the power of my mind took over and I began to see results. After a while, I got where I dribbled throughout the day and soak my diaper most nights without waking. About a three months ago, I thought I could go shopping in "big boy" underwear. About an hour into the trip in the middle of the busy mall I felt dampness and looked down and saw a big wet spot on my pants. I was thoroughly humiliated. Since then, I have stayed diapered at all times during the day and double-diapered at night with plastic baby pants.

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Re: best hypno for diaper dependency

Postby ukrogue2 » May 22nd, 2020, 2:40 pm

If I was training the subject I would do it like this;

At the start only put him in his diapers overnight from 6PM until the following morning. Spend about a month making him listen to Sarnoga Diaper Dependance part 1. Make sure he is observed whenever he's going to the toilet, as the hyponsis starts to kick in he will start to find it harder and harder to unrinate into the toilet as his muscles will involuntarily tighten he's likely to become semi or fully erect because of this. After a few weeks he will be unable to urinate in the toilet at all and will be begging to be put in his diaper before 6PM so he can flood it and get relief. You'll probably need to change him right away (or make him sit in it for a bit, that's entirely up to you). Maybe make him drink a glass of water around 5PM to make sure he is totally desperate to go by 6PM. Don't allow him to be diapered before 6PM and keep making him listen until he can't urinate into the toilet at all and can only urinate once he's been taped up.

Perphaps also mix a gram or two of weed into his food each day to help make him more susceptible to suggestion.

Next when your sure the instructions of part 1 are fully installed, make him start listening to part 2. Keep with the 6PM earliest time for being diapered. You will notice that during the day he still can't use the toilet however now he is leaking some small spots of urine occasionally. Don't diaper him up fully yet, let him feel the shame and make him change his shorts frequently when they are starting to get damp. Continue this treatment until the leaking is getting heavy and then put him into full time diapers.

Since you want to make sure this is cast iron permanent, then start with part 3. Keep him in his diapers at all times now, and make him listen to the file over and over. He will start to wet at night and occasionally poop his diapers instead of doing it in the toilet. When this is happening reasonably frequently and he is wetting every single night, it's time to seal the deal by making him listen repeatedly to part 4 which will make it so that he cannot use the toilet at all and always uses his diapers on a set schedule which he won't be able to stop. His poop will be pushed into his diaper before he wakes up in the morning, every morning and he will be completely double incontinent.

This level of training will be extremely hard to undo, perhaps impossible. The hypnosis will have him convinced that the changes are permanent and irrovokable and he will wet at night whilst sleeping and mess himself in the morning before he wakes for the rest of his life.
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Re: best hypno for diaper dependency

Postby rinoooo » May 26th, 2020, 12:07 pm

ukrogue2 wrote:If I was training the subject I would do it like this;

At the start only put him in his diapers overnight from 6PM until the following morning. Spend about a month making him listen to Sarnoga Diaper Dependance part 1. Make sure he is observed whenever he's going to the toilet, as the hyponsis starts to kick in he will start to find it harder and harder to unrinate into the toilet as his muscles will involuntarily tighten he's likely to become semi or fully erect because of this. After a few weeks he will be unable to urinate in the toilet at all and will be begging to be put in his diaper before 6PM so he can flood it and get relief. You'll probably need to change him right away (or make him sit in it for a bit, that's entirely up to you). Maybe make him drink a glass of water around 5PM to make sure he is totally desperate to go by 6PM. Don't allow him to be diapered before 6PM and keep making him listen until he can't urinate into the toilet at all and can only urinate once he's been taped up.

Perphaps also mix a gram or two of weed into his food each day to help make him more susceptible to suggestion.

Next when your sure the instructions of part 1 are fully installed, make him start listening to part 2. Keep with the 6PM earliest time for being diapered. You will notice that during the day he still can't use the toilet however now he is leaking some small spots of urine occasionally. Don't diaper him up fully yet, let him feel the shame and make him change his shorts frequently when they are starting to get damp. Continue this treatment until the leaking is getting heavy and then put him into full time diapers.

Since you want to make sure this is cast iron permanent, then start with part 3. Keep him in his diapers at all times now, and make him listen to the file over and over. He will start to wet at night and occasionally poop his diapers instead of doing it in the toilet. When this is happening reasonably frequently and he is wetting every single night, it's time to seal the deal by making him listen repeatedly to part 4 which will make it so that he cannot use the toilet at all and always uses his diapers on a set schedule which he won't be able to stop. His poop will be pushed into his diaper before he wakes up in the morning, every morning and he will be completely double incontinent.

This level of training will be extremely hard to undo, perhaps impossible. The hypnosis will have him convinced that the changes are permanent and irrovokable and he will wet at night whilst sleeping and mess himself in the morning before he wakes for the rest of his life.

Dammmmmn... Have you done this before??? :lol:
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Re: best hypno for diaper dependency

Postby wohermiston » May 30th, 2020, 7:08 am

It is hard to imagine a willing participant in something like this, really. It is difficult to use hypnosis to enforce a "you cannot do that" response. Hypnosis is more effective when it is a positive driven force. And positive reinforcement is easier to get the subject to "come around" to your way of thinking about something. Did you ever think that it may be unhealthy to hold your bladder. Wouldn't you feel better about yourself if you didn't hold it in for any longer than necessary? Things like that can build up a mindset that can lead the subject to accepting diapers from a purely healthy point of view. Beats this cruel attempt at making them fear the toilet! I would expect the subconscious to rebel against that sort of thing immediately.
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Re: best hypno for diaper dependency

Postby msjody0572 » May 31st, 2020, 5:53 am

Interesting methods. I do like the fear aspect alot. If I make the goal that he has to be diaper dependent by a certain date or risk more exposure, then that should motivate the boi to complete the training and make his mind accept the hypnosis. It's his only way out.
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Re: best hypno for diaper dependency

Postby wohermiston » May 31st, 2020, 7:40 am

In a prior post, you expressed disappointment that hypnosis does not work like a switch.
Your right though, it doesn't. You are asking to undo a physical process that has been part of the human anatomy forever. To undo a physical process such as urinary continence, you would need a physical solution; like urinary stent for example. To me hypnosis can be used in a way that makes the subject want to pee in a diaper. Not that it be the only way, just that it be the preffered way. The bladder can sometimes fall into a mode where it voids every few minutes, but this mode does not last long. I have never been able to figure out what causes this to happen though. But go ahead and try the Sarnoga files and see what happens. And let us know how it goes.
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