Hello. I have been a long time user of WMM, and in extension, hypnosis. There are many people who will disagree with me, and many more who will just ignore this, but this is simply the truth. Hypnosis is not an effective way to feminize yourself, or to cause your hormone levels to change. Physical effects just don't happen that fast or at all. Even amazing files like Curse of the Teeny Weenie which can and does cause penile shrinkage is because of the mental effects. You don't get erect as often and soon enough at all. This causes your penis to atrophy and when you do become erect on that off-occasion you do get an erection it is not as big because it has not stretched in so long and, like I said, has atrophied from lack of use.
I tend to rant and ramble so here is the reason in my posting of this.
There are resources and places to go to get REAL HRT and transgender advice, rather than only hypnosis. I am doing this for people like myself who wish that they had access to stuff like this and didn't know about it. If you are using feminization hypnosis to make yourself feel better or to hide something or even as an escape from life, PLEASE take a look at yourself. ARE YOU TRANSGENDER? Don't ignore that question. Don't skim it. Go back and fucking read it now. Even if you are barely questioning it. Even if there is a little slight barely anything little notice in the back of your mind, please go to these websites.
Thank you.