
  • Demonic straight masculinization   , ,  

    A file where a demon tells you what your true self is, and what you are going to become : a straight alpha male.

    Prepare yourself to stroke your penis and use your sins to become the most masculine man you have ever been.

    Contains the induction, the body and an awakener.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (12)
    Length: 13:55
    Downloads: 2132
    Hot file, man. Induction counting down from 66 is great, and I dig the effect with the TTS voice. Doubt it's really gonna turn me straight since I really fuckin' like dudes, but we'll see. I like to be surprised. Like to feel helpless and lacking control. Counting up to 66 for an awakener's a bit much, though. Especially with the speed, it lacks a certain gradual calm. Might be better to tone it down to 6 for any future demon themed files. That way you get 66 and 6 for an almost subliminal three sixes. Any plans for other jock or masculinization files?
    Thank you for the advice, I'm taking note. Yes, more jocks and masculinization files are in preparation.
    Great file, you are a very ingenious and effective hypnotist. This file has started affecting my sexuallity allready. Can you make more penis growth and turned heterosexual files?
    I like files to make gsy men turned on by women. Could you do another one without demonic reference?