
Latest Files

  • Subliminal Sissy Conversion — $30   , ,  

    This subliminal only hypnosis file causes the listener to have an ever growing interest in being a sissy.  It starts with your fantasies, then your porn, then pretty soon you're being treated like the sissy you've always known that you are.

    WARNING!  This file is silent and includes 2 subliminal layers, playing at a high volume may make the audio audible but doing so could damage your hearing.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 20:31
    Downloads: 9

  • Subliminal Cocksucking Addiction — $25    

    This subliminal only hypnosis file causes the listener to become increasingly more and more interested and obsessed with sucking cock until they become absolutely addicted to sucking cock.  The file does not care about your gender or sexual preference, it will make you a cocksucker no matter your original desires.

    WARNING!  This file is silent and includes 2 subliminal layers, playing at a high volume may make the audio audible but doing so could damage your hearing.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 20:30
    Downloads: 14

  • Diapers are Fun    

    A simple hypnotic file to teach you that wearing and using diapers is fun.  It doesn't make you wear them, it doesn't cause incontinence, it just makes you enjoy wearing them and helps you discover that wearing them is well, fun.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 16:44
    Downloads: 48

  • You Dont Deserve A Cock — $30   , ,  

    That's right sissy, this hypnosis file teaches you a simple truth, you don't deserve and have never had a real man's cock.  Inferior beta males like you have little sissy clitties and worship the Alpha Men and Real women that are both your superiors.  It's simple, sissies like you Don't Deserve

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 22:01
    Downloads: 24

  • Failure to Resist - Wetting — $30    

    Trapped in a hypnotic loop the more you think about it, the more you try to resist it the more inevitable it will be that you will wet yourself.  The more you think about it the more obsessed you become until you realize you are failing to resist and the more you fail the sooner you will inevitable end up wetting yourself and once that happens it will be impossible to stop because you have failed to resist.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 21:51
    Downloads: 31

  • Failure to Resist - Chastity Device — $30    

    This hypnotic file will test your ability to resist the idea of locking yourself away in chastity.  An idea that will grow and grow in your mind until you buy a device and then wear it, wearing it for longer and longer until you feel wrong when you aren't locked up.  The sad part is just buying this file mean's you've already failed to resist, listening is another failure.  How many failures until you reach your inevitable outcome?

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 22:39
    Downloads: 4

  • Failure to Resist - Feminization — $30   , ,  

    Is your will strong enough to resist this hypnosis file who's only purpose is to feminize you.  Can you keep yourself from becoming more and more feminized until you can't dress any other way.  This file presses you forward with every failure until there is no going back at all.  So, can you resist?

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 22:02
    Downloads: 38

  • Breeder    

    Simple and straightforward, this hypnosis file instills a breeding fetish in the listener leaving them to want to be constantly pregnant.  As a minor twist it will wok for men although pregnancy is HIGHLY unlikely so you'll just have to keep trying.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 19:11
    Downloads: 145

  • Perfect Female Figure Obsession — $25    

    This hypnosis file will work for men or women.  It makes you picture the perfect female body and then become obsessed with looking exactly that way.  Diet, Exercise, Hair, nails, everything you can imagine as female perfection will become your personal obsession and you will work to achieve it.  Your subconscious will also work to achieve it adjusting hormone levels and pushing you further and further until your body is as close to perfect as possible.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 22:09
    Downloads: 12

  • Curse Addicted To Leather — $20    

    This hypnotic curse file will leave you feeling a deep addiction to wearing/feeling/smelling leather until you need it more and more in your day to day life and attach leather to arousal. 

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 21:39
    Downloads: 8

  • Brain Experiment - Wetting Fantasy — $25 — ON SALE $20    

    In this 18 minute hypnosis fantasy file, you take part in a special brain experiment using a brain stimulation machine. As I stimulate your brain, I stimulate and relax some of your muscles. The machine is so effective that you can't control your muscles! You are completely under my control. I go one muscle at a time… Until I reach your bladder muscles! You can hear the enjoyment in my voice as I push the button to make you wet yourself.


    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 18:04
    Downloads: 31
    Only while under

  • Wetting Encouragement - Hypnotic Loop — $15 — ON SALE $12    

    In this 11 minute hypnotic loop file, I encourage you to wet yourself. I remind you that everything is safe with mommy and that I am here for you. My voice soothes you as I encourage you to wet yourself. You remember that anything is allowed with Mommy and that it’s a good thing to wet yourself!


    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 11:00
    Downloads: 17
    Temporary(fixed time)

  • Diaper Change Hypnosis — $15 — ON SALE $12    

    A soothing 13 minute ABDL, age regression experience. I lead you into a hypnotic trance, where you can enter a nice daydream. Then... It looks like someone has a wet diaper! Time for me to change your diaper. As you listen you will find that you regress very easily and that you can mentally feel the diaper against your body, even if you are not wearing it.

    Age Regression
    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 14:28
    Downloads: 49
    Only while under

  • ABDL Wetting Accident and Punishment — $15 — ON SALE $12    

    In this 21 minute file, you fall into an age regressed state. I tell you in my firm voice that you really should go to the bathroom because I see how you are wiggling. You, however, are sure you can make it to the bathroom. When you have a wetting accident, I am NOT pleased. If you act like a little pants wetter, I need to treat you like one. The only way to punish a pants wetter is to put you in diapers. This hypnosis file is best listened to with a full bladder. You will likely find it is hard to keep yourself from wetting yourself when listening. When the hypnotic trance ends, you return to a normal state of mind.

    Age Regression
    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Downloads: 34
    Only while under

  • ABDL: Diapered Sleep Hypnosis — $10 — ON SALE $8    

    This hypnotic trance lulls you for 15 minutes into a sleepy, fuzzy state. It's best listened to right before you go to bed since there is no hypnotic waker. I gently regress you to a babyish state of mind and remind you that you can and should use your diapers during the night. With Mommy's guidance it's easy to feel sleepy, and for your bladder to get a little loose. I implant several subliminal suggestions that will stay in your mind all night long, remind you to wet your diaper in your sleep. The effects last for one night, until you wake up.

    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (2)
    Length: 15:08
    Downloads: 140
    Temporary(until event)

  • Bowel Weakening Subliminal Hypnosis — $75 — ON SALE $60    

    In this 67 minute recording I use a powerful subliminal trance to alter the way you perceive your bowels and to retrain your bowel muscles to be weaker, leaving long term effects. You mind learns to relax and accept the weakening. When you get the urge to go poop, instead of tightening your muscles, your mind and body will relax. You will find that it's harder to fight the urge and that you have to get to a bathroom sooner after the urge starts. Listening to this once a week will cause your bowel muscles to be a little bit weaker, but not completely incontinent. If you listen to this multiple times a week, the effects will get stronger over time and could lead to incontinence (this is a gradual process). You will notice some effects on your bowels muscles and your ability to control your urge within hours after listening to this recording.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 1:07:41
    Downloads: 227

  • Uncontrollable Wetting and Messing Trance — $75 — ON SALE $60    

    In this 90 minute file, I guide your mind, bladder and bowel muscles to lose control permanently. The power of trance gets deeper and deeper and your mind learns to respond to the desire to wet or mess by relaxing your bladder and bowel muscles. Muscle exercises these muscles to become loose and responsive so you can wet and mess uncontrollably, without even being aware of it. I also plant several deep subliminal suggestions to help you have eating and drinking habits that will encourage uncontrollable wetting and messing. This is designed for those who want true permanent, long lasting bladder AND bowel incontinence. This means you are prepared to wear diapers at all times after listening to this. Repeated listening will strengthen the effects of the mesmerizing hypnosis file, and best results are achieved if you listen every week. If you find that your bowel muscles tend to be clenched, this file in combination with my bowel weakening file can help you.

    Bladder + Bowel
    Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
    Length: 1:30:12
    Downloads: 605

  • Covert Hypnosis: Go Blank and Wet Yourself — $20 — ON SALE $16    

    This file features my most popular and addictive style of hypnosis - covert hypnosis. In this 30 minute covert hypnosis file, you are hypnotized without noticing. I speak directly to you, in gender neutral language. What sounds like a normal conversation starts to become entrancing, influencing you subconciously. I tell you an interesting story about witnessing someone's wetting accident. You become so wrapped up in listening to my story that when the time comes, you respond to the subliminal trigger and you go blank and wet yourself.

    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (2)
    Length: 31:37
    Downloads: 111
    Temporary(until event)

  • Porn Makes You Cry starring Mistress Clarissa — $40    

    A dark and intensely powerful mesmerizing file designed to turn you into a desperate porn addict.

    This enchanting and detailed session will seduce you and take you into a powerful trance where you will feel able to accept the truth about your sorry existence.  You will begin to see porn as your safe space and crave to masturvate to porn as often as possible.  It will not quite be that simple though.  Watching porn will bring pleasure but it will also trigger feelings of loneliness and sexual inadequacy.  The more porn you watch the more insecure you will become about your ability to have sexual relationships and this will cause a state of humilating and tearful anguish.  You will begin to associate watching porn with humiliation and rejection and this will only intensify your arousal and addiction.  Watching porn will make you cry and that will turn you on so much that you won't want to do anything else.

    This is intense file which will turn you into a pathetic porn addict for life.  This file should only be used by those who are currently psychologically robust and who accept this dark and delicious change.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 49:09
    Downloads: 2

  • Loser Brainmelt — $10    

    A full spectrum brainwashing file designed to bombard you with humiliation until you accept you are a loser who women find disgusting.  Listen on loop as you go about your day as you are told repeatedly what women think of you and why you should leave them alone.  Perfect for all masturbation addicts and true losers, this intense and cruel recording is likely to severely damage your confidence around women and ensure you remain a lonely loser for life.

    This is a multi-voiced AI file which uses powerful techniques designed to overwhelm any resistance and create a permanent loser identity.  Only suitable for the psychologically robust who are ready for a lonely sexless life full of masturbation and porn.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 08:41
    Downloads: 2

  • A Valentine's Message starring Mistress Clarissa — $10   ,  

    A mean Valentine's Day themed loop for all true losers eager to edge and goon to the truth of their pathetic existence. Features elements of cuckolding, rejection, encouraged-bi, and intense psychological humiliation combined with an orgasm trigger. 

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 09:45
    Downloads: 1
    Temporary(until event)

  • Commit to Porn — $15    

    Note: This is not a traditional hypnosis file. Listen to the free files I've uploaded to get a better sense of what kind of file this is.

    This file is designed for the gooner who wants to make a longterm commitment to porn. It's recommended to watch the porn of your choosing while you listen, slideshow or PMV (on silent) for best results.


    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 14:16
    Downloads: 0

  • Sissy Valentine (AI) — $15   ,  

    A warm and reassuring multi voiced AI file for all those sissies without a date on Valentine's Day. A mixture of gentle hypnotic brainwashing and supportive time with the girls to help make sure that next year you won't be alone on this special day. This session will use your felings of melancholy to give you the confidence and courage to make changes to your life.  This file is also available via my Patreon

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 14:54
    Downloads: 2
    Temporary(until event)

  • Drone — $35    

    This file is for hypnotised drones who want to mindlessly exist to serve, obey and please Mistress Clarissa.  This session will turn you into an impotent and happy slave who is always aroused, and always obedient to your Mistress.

    As with all files it will take you in and out of trance. It has a confusion induction which is not suitable for anxious or agitated minds. It’s ideal for busy minds that don’t find relaxation inductions effective. 

    It’s the perfect deep trance power exchange file for those who want to serve Mistress Clarissa.

    As ever you will sink into relaxation and trance effortlessly whilst listening to Mistress Clarissa's crisp British accent and soft soothing voice and experience intense pleasure as she entrances you. You will want to listen repeatedly to become blank and malleable allowing Mistress Clarissa's message to lodge deep in your mind and to shape you. The deeper you go the more you will forget but the programming will stick.  

    This file may make real changes to your life and your interactions, and is aimed at submissive drones who want to exist to serve Mistress Clarissa.  

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 38:43
    Downloads: 0

  • Drone Loop — $10    

    This loop is for mesmerised drones who want to mindlessly exist to serve, obey and please Mistress Clarissa   As with all loops it can be listened to as you sleep or go about your day.  It’s ideal for those who want to serve Mistress Clarissa.

    As ever you will sink into relaxation and trance effortlessly whilst listening to Mistress Clarissa's crisp British accent and soft soothing voice and experience intense pleasure as she entrances you. You will want to listen repeatedly to become blank and malleable allowing Mistress Clarissa's message to lodge deep in your mind .

    This loop may make real changes to your life and your interactions, and is aimed at submissive drones who want to exist to serve Mistress Clarissa.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 10:30
    Downloads: 0

  • Cuck Loop — $15    

    This loop is ideal for those who want to be Mistress Clarissa’s submissive adoring impotent cuck, to crave her cruelty and the bitter sweet sting of her cuckolding humiliation. 

    As with all loops it can be listened to as you sleep or go about your day.  It’s ideal for those who want to serve Mistress Clarissa.

    As ever you will sink into relaxation and trance effortlessly whilst listening to Mistress Clarissa's crisp British accent and soft soothing voice and experience intense pleasure as she entrances you. You will want to listen repeatedly, and as you do your submissive arousal and pleasure at being shaped will deepen, allowing Mistress Clarissa's training to lodge deep in your mind 

    This loop may make real changes to your life and your interactions, and is aimed at submissive cucks who want to exist to serve Mistress Clarissa.   Suggestions include humiliation, masochism, degradation, impotence, chastity and cuckolding. 

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 16:36
    Downloads: 0

  • Truly Pathetic Loop — $15    

    This loop is perfect for emotional/psychological humiliation addicts who recognise that they are truly pathetic individuals complicit in their own destruction. 

    It’s ideal for those emotional masochists who want a deeper level of psychological humiliation, and who fantasise about having vanilla sex taken away as an option to be replaced by cuckolding, encouraged-bi and humiliation.

    As ever you will sink into relaxation and trance effortlessly whilst listening to Mistress Clarissa's crisp British accent. Her soft soothing voice will seduce you allowing her words to penetrate deep into your psyche deepening your addiction to Mistress Clarissa’s cruelty and intensifying your obsession with being impotent and cuckolded.

    This loop is not suitable for anyone with a low mood or mental health issues. It’s an intense impotence cuckolding humiliation power exchange loop which may make real changes to your life and your interactions with Mistress Clarissa.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 14:02
    Downloads: 1

  • Year Of The Cock starring Mistress Clarissa — $35   , ,  

    You know it's time.  You cannot hide from your desires any more.  You cannot hide from your homosexuality.  You know how much men's bodies turn you on.  But you get so scared.  You find it easy to slip into shame and denial.  And this file will help you change that.  This file will help you to accept who you are.

    A sexy and powerful hypnosis session for all those closeted cocksuckers who have been too scared to explore their desires.  This recording will provide a structured programme that will ensure that you will finally have sex with a man within the next 12 months.  You will come to terms with your sexuality and accept that you will never have a sexual experience with a woman again.  But you will not be a typical gay man during this transitional period.  You will still enjoy being submissive and being humiliated by women .  You will just no longer experience any sexual desire for women's bodies and will happily become pussy free for life.  You may even consider mild feminization however this will not be compelled and is only a very small part of this file.  But you do need to experience sex with men and by listening to the file you will finally make that happen.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 40:21
    Downloads: 6

  • chris is a subhuman fartpet ECHOED    

    a paid for customs file. echoed. German language. trains the listener to be a perverted dreamslave of a fat farting vampire. dream perversión 

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 19:32
    Downloads: 0

  • Sumoringer magic   ,  

    these are a series of law of attraction manifestaciones to attract a Sumoringer into your life and serve him. GERMAN language file.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 1:26:20
    Downloads: 1

  • chris is a fartpet EDIT    

    a custom file that was bought and paid for. released as an edit without the blisd background. conditions listener to have perverted dreams of being a fat man ass demon fartslave

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 19:32
    Downloads: 0

  • BLISS chris is a fartpet    

    a custom file that was bought and paid for. brainwashes chris to be visited in the night by a Fat Male Demon and turned into a fartpet. with bliss binaurals

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 19:37
    Downloads: 0

  • magic lingerie    

    My first attempt at a file that i made for myself and thought I would share with others. voice is AI generated so some words or tone are a little strange but i have not found them to bring me out of trance...im not in a living situation where i can just be recording erotic hypno files willy nilly.

    contains a binaural tone as well.

    concept - magic set of lingerie the threads of which are alive. any set of panties and or bra the listener wears during trance and outside of trance becomes a living set of lingerie that teases and stimulates the wearer, while also denying them/ removing their ability to orgasm while wearing...includes suggestions to increase feminine tendencies, hypnotic suggestibility and submission, as well as suggestions that this effect will stop when the wearer lays down with the intention to sleep, or when the wearer needs to focus...effects are meant to be permanent.

    file is meant for anyone but feminine pronouns and some descriptors are used.

    Orgasm Control
    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 26:12
    Downloads: 2

  • Self Acceptance    

    Warning: Do NOT listen to at high volumes (loud volumes).

    This file will help you accept yourself. It encourages you to grow as a person but to also be okay with how you are now. This will help many areas of your life as you become more stable. You will start to encourage yourself and believe in your worth.

    credit to fakeyou.com for high-quality voice to voice.

    Warning: This file uses a silent subliminal technique that transposes the pitch of the affirmations to an inaudible frequency. This can cause permanent ear damage if listened to at high volumes, especially while wearing headphones. A background track is placed in the MP3 to prevent the user from turning the volume up; however, the subliminal portion is just the silent subliminal. if mixing the plain subliminal with other music make sure that the audio is low enough to not cause hearing damage. drink plenty of water when you plan to listen to any type of subliminal, hypnosis, or binaural beats.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 05:48
    Downloads: 25

  • Life Without Control    


    (Feel free to steal any componant of this file for your own modification.)

    The file uses a version of the mystifying induction from the book “Handbook of Hypnotic Inductions” and contains an awakenener. This file seeks to help turn off the selfing mechanism of the human brain by getting it to auto-label all thought and bodily action as coming from causes that do not included a “you”. This file is meant to be used daily as supplement to meditation. By trapping consciousness in a state without free will, the hope is that it becomes obvious to the mind that it never had real free will and thus snaps out of the delusion of a self having control. This is file is an experiment and may not work. 



    All humans in modern society, as they grow up, develop the extremely painful delusion that they have free will. The reality is that humans do not have free will and humans can know this with certainty because they can enter a state of lived experience in which they directly experience themselves as having no free will. The truth of the matter is that humans are far far happier when they live from a state without free will. What is the lived, practical day-to-day experience of living without free will? The body moves on its own, without your control, as thoughts happen without out a you. You feel like you are listening to thoughts, not making them. Your limbs move on there own, as the body walks and talks without a “you”. I have experienced this state myself (described at the bottom).

    This state begins when the subconscious begins to assume all action and thought is happening without a you, and auto labels it as such in waking consciousness (as opposed to the subconscious auto labeling all thought and action as being authored and done by a you (an-assumed-real-but-not-real self)). In this state, the body and mind function on their own without an observable you. You may feel like a ghost, an absence in reality, haunting the body, EFFORTLESSLY experiencing reality. This experience is blissful. BECAUSE LIFE IS BEING DONE FOR YOU. It is blissful because you find out you where born innocent and will die innocent and nothing can contaminate you. It is most blissful mode in that you find out that you really don't have control and never did, so you are not responsible for what happened, or what is happening, or what will happen, nor could you ever take on responsibility (because there is only awareness).










    2) This whole site is an amazing guide. IF YOU DON'T GOT TIME, GO TO THE “Explore Each Fetter” SECTION AND READ ANY OF THE “My Experiences”. A good description of the delusion of self:


    3) This book (PDF) contains several one-on-one conversations in which one person (who experiences no free will) tries to guide another into seeing the reality of Non Self in their own direct lived experience. This book is straight to the point and almost immediately life changing. There is simply nothing like it:


    The site on which the PDF is hosted:




    Help? (Just extra stuff, if you need it (skippable)):







    Core Suggestions:


    “From now on, you release all control over your body. From now on your body moves it’s legs and arms on its own. From now your brain is certain that the body is moving on its own. The brain knows that the movements of the body, all actions of the body, are caused by the body.

    From now on your brain believes that all thoughts, desire thoughts, and fear thoughts are simply caused by the brain reacting to the world. Your brain is completely certain that all thinking, all thought, all wanting thoughts, and all fearing thoughts are simply caused by the brain reacting to the environment. The brain believes all your thoughts are just the animal brain reacting to the environment. All thinking, every feeling of wanting or fearing, emerges automatically, just as the natural workings of an animal mind. The subconscious is certain that all thoughts are caused by the brain without you. No thoughts are caused by you. The subconscious knows that no thought is generated by a separate "you"; it simply hears thoughts.

    These realizations deepen on their own. Beliefs align themselves seamlessly, guided by the quiet understanding that all things are caused, and nothing is caused by a you. You are not in control of any causes. You are not the source of any cause; everything happens by itself.






    The above is the account of a near-death experience which was the result of a suicide attempt. The story is hopeful, but it being hopeful is not what is important. Within the post, is a description of the context reality. A byproduct of the experience of the context reality, is experiencing time as not actually being real. In this state, the past and future are experienced as not being real. This state without time can be triggered in this life (no dying required) by seeing though the delusion of control. This state explained:






    My Personal Experience:

    I will now speak from lived experience. This was before any hypnosis was used. One day, life gave me a straight flush and I had the unbelievable luck of experiencing about 20 seconds of life without a self. This was caused by following attention through awareness like a rabid dog (I did this as a meditation (I had been meditating for the past 10 months). I lost control of my body and mind after maintaining attention on where attention was, continuously (no interruption in knowing where attention was), for about 5 minutes. The experience of no self was life becoming gloriously effortless, absolutely automatic, and I experienced unbelievable peace (I felt really good, like being extremely cross faded with an extremely clear and peaceful mind). After this experience, I can say, with absolute certainty, that the reality of non-self and the need to dispel the insanity of self described in the schools of Buddhism is absolutely true! If one wishes to learn to practice Buddhism, I highly recommend the book, “The Three Pillars of Zen: Teaching, Practice, and Enlightenment”. One of the many reasons I recommend this book is that the 3rd part of the book includes accounts of enlightenment arising out of people and what causes caused the effect of enlightenment.

    Self Help
    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 08:50
    Downloads: 7

  • Sleeping Beauty - Positive Can-Do Attitude    

    Good news, it's time to feel good! That's a good thing, isn't it. A reward from your Drill Sergeant for a good attitude is always a positive thing. Something you can do yourself. Be a good boy, the best of boys -- best in breed. That's a positive step forward. Or backward? Maybe down and out. Such a beautiful bonnie boy, always getting bolder... START BLINKING SOLDIER.

    Let's feed your optimism about your exciting new life. That'd be neat, wouldn't it. An optimistic outlook leads to a positive can-do attitude. No one likes a negative nag. No use to anyone. You want to be a soldier that says "Yes!" Every time. Over and over. Agreeing with platitudes -- a positive can-do attitude. Sometimes it's good to do things that feel good. A bit of positivity to help you grow. And harder to say no.

    Have a listen, if you dare. Dare to think differently. Dare to confess. Dare to say "Yes!". Then go about your life finding it a little bit... harder... to stop pumping this shit into your skull. Not that you'll care any more. You'll just thank me for your service.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 30:19
    Downloads: 15

  • Sissy Clit Shrinking Masturbation    

    Sissy Hypnosis

    HARDCORE Clitty Shrinking Masturbation Hypnosis Audio

    This is the induction only with no music or voice overlays. This hypnosis will strink your sissy clity every time you masturbate until it is an actual real clit. 

    This complete product that you can buy 25% off on my website hypnosissyhypnosis.com includes:

    7+ Hours of Hardcore Sissy Hypnosis Audio
    9 Recordings Total: 3 with induction, 3 without induction
    6 Recordings with sexy sissy moaning in the background
    4 Recordings with moaning and disco/techno music overlays
    3 Loops: one script loop, one reverse speech loop, one subliminal loop

    Copyright Protected - The Sissy Hypnotist, RE LLC.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 22:00
    Downloads: 5
    Temporary(until event)

  • Special Delivery   , ,  

    You received a strange package - what's inside?


    Male, light suggestions of forced sex and muscle growth

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (1)
    Length: 07:03
    Downloads: 24

  • No shirt no shoes    

    Creates post hypnotic suggestions to be shirtless and barefoot whenever and wherever it's safe and comfortable for you. At home or outdoors in nice weather. Listen wearing a shirt, socks and shoes.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 19:18
    Downloads: 23
    Temporary(fixed time)

  • Sports Uniform   ,  

    Themes include masculinity, uniform and conformity. 

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 23:48
    Downloads: 50

  • 001 ABDL Diaper - Loving Diapered Incontinence    

    ABDL Diaper Hypnosis
    "Loving Diapered Incontinence"

    This file includes my "Loving Diapered Incontinence" induction without any overlays, focused on loving wearing your diapers and enjoying your incontinence while diapered.

    If you are interested in the full 3+ hours of hypnosis audio which includes 5 recordings and a 2 hour loop, you can buy it 25% off @ hypnosissyhypnosis.com

    This particular line of hypnosis has your induction and deepeners set at the wonderful magical nursery with many themed rooms in different colors. In this particular set of files, you end up in the yellow "Potty Free Playroom". Unlike most of my other files, these are only for AB/DL, less explicit, more simple and relaxing. They are targeted for those who are wanting to be in "Little Space". T

    I kindly like to remind all buyers that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only, are copyright protected through RE LLC, and are not to be remastered to be resold, resold as is, or shared on any private or public platforms. Wording of my hypnosis inductions, scripts and final products are not to be plagiarized for use in public or private sharing or in resale products. Thank you for understanding.

    Thank you EMG for sharing your platform with us!

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 14:33
    Downloads: 32
    Permanent(when safe)

  • I wish 2    

    for when you wish you could be a better whore. enjoy.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 10:04
    Downloads: 117

  • Breeder    

    Simple and straightforward, this hypnosis file instills a breeding fetish in the listener leaving them to want to be constantly pregnant.  As a minor twist it will wok for men although pregnancy is HIGHLY unlikely so you'll just have to keep trying.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 19:11
    Downloads: 145

  • HypnoVirus    

    Indulge in a fantasy with me of being over taken by a virus that controls your mind and body while I edge you.  The virus will rewrite your concept of orgasm to believe the edge is the orgasm and leave you forever edged.  The file includes a trance trigger. This is a curse that will be ongoing until you are cured. The Cure is also included here for free.

    Orgasm Control
    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 14:46
    Downloads: 144

  • Good Boys Get Fractionated    

    This is a file for all the Good boys. You'll slip into trance for me and I'll fractionate you deeply. There are themes of obedience, non-explicit pleasure, and a bit of falling. This download is a .zip file with two endings - one with an awakener and one with an asleepener.

    Rating: ★★☆☆☆ (1)
    Length: 40:21
    Downloads: 101
    Only while under

  • Corruption    

    This file will corrupt the listener and convince them to give up control of their orgasms to me or someone they trust. It will tie the pleasurable feeling of submission and obedience to the loss of control. It will also leave an insidious suggestion that even if you aren't convinced yet, it will play on your mind until you are. This file is the Good Toy version (gender neutral).

    Orgasm Control
    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 15:22
    Downloads: 76

  • bedwetting 2024 (1st hypnosis attempt)    

    My first attempt at creating my own hypnosis script, cecorded using text to speech and royalty free background. This file is a file containing a deepener and body and awakener. 

    geared for repeated use and to make it a habit of sleep wetting.I may tryto use a natural TTS at a later date

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 05:26
    Downloads: 86

  • ABDL Diaper Hypnosis - Messy Diaper Lock    

    ABDL Diaper Hypnosis
    Messy Diaper Lock Hypnosis

    This is the plain version of the induction only. If you would like to buy the entire 5+ hours bundle at 25% off you can do so at hypnosissyhypnosis.com

    The bundle on my website includes:

    5+ Hours Of Extreme Hypnosis Audio
    8 Recordings - 3 with/3 without induction
    4 with lullaby in background!
    2 -2 Hour Hypno Loops
    Extreme Level+

    This includes my Extreme Messy Diaper Lock hypnosis audio. It is diaper hypnosis audio that locks you in your diapers every time you make a messy for at least an hour. Secondary suggestion is being able to relax and enjoy sitting and playing in your messies. You are encouraged to sit in it and enjoying the warmth of your messies. 

    I kindly like to remind everyone that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only, are copyright protected through RE LLC, and are not to be remastered to be resold, resold as is, or shared on any private or public platforms. Wording of my hypnosis inductions, scripts and final products are not to be plagiarized for use in public or private sharing or in resale products. Thank you for understanding.

    Thank you EMG for sharing your platform!

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 15:39
    Downloads: 62
    Permanent(when safe)

  • LRFemaleOrgasm    
    Experience a woman's orgasm

    Orgasm Control
    Rating: ★★★★☆ (348)
    Length: 29:05
    Downloads: 81087
    Temporary(until event)

  • Bubble Induction    
    This is a new way of induction that focuses on those having trouble to go under. This file brings you under CONTROL and removes any resistance. I have tested this file with over 50 guys and it WORKS! Be careful, this file works by the first time listening to it.

    NOTE: this file has suggestions to remove free will when triggered, and to obey a master.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (166)
    Length: 38:00
    Downloads: 53769
    Only while under

  • Curse Stroke Sissy — $10    
    WARNING!!! This is a curse file and may only be removed by EMG!!!
    Masturbation triggers stronger and stronger desires to become a submissive, crossdressing, bisexual sissy maid; who loves giving sexual and oral pleasure to men and women. The desires include breast enlargment, body hair loss, full crossdressing and makeup, hairstyle, diet. When the subject orgasms, the orgasm triggers the desires and changes to lock in at that current level, which can never lower and will increase each time, and with each listen. Until your forced to be a total crosdressing sissy.

    Cross Dressing
    Rating: ★★★★☆ (162)
    Length: 32:32
    Downloads: 39839

  • Blink's Basic Induction    
    This is an Ericksonian hypnosis induction designed to enhance your ability to enter trance. It ends with a permissive wakener that allows it to be used just prior to bed (insomniacs have reported that it's good for getting to sleep). Amnesia for the contents of the recording and experiences of "lost time" are not uncommon. The recording is pure vanilla and makes a good introduction to hypnosis. It will quickly become a familiar favorite.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (136)
    Length: 27:15
    Downloads: 23600
    Only while under

  • Little Miss Squidgy — $10   ,  

    More of an old fashioned curse than a traditional hypnosis file, this file will seperate the men from the sissies. This file will have no, or little, effect on most men, however some sissy types may find themselves impotent with women, lusting over guys and wearing panties. The curse cannot be removed, by me or anyone else, for reasons which will be obvious if you listen. This is my first file and has a couple of rough edges. Feedback is very welcome, so tell me if you like it and I'll make more.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (112)
    Length: 33:30
    Downloads: 20224

  • DEV Orgasm for Men with WickedVoyce    
    An experimental Directed Erotic Visualisation. This one is for men and designed to generate an orgasm without touching!. Narrated by WickedVoyce

    Orgasm Control
    Rating: ★★★★☆ (103)
    Length: 09:34
    Downloads: 41227
    Only while under

  • Bimbo Blessing Part 2 (Curse) — $20   , ,  

    This is the second part in my Bimbo Blessing file. The first part contains the induction and an important warning for those who are not sure if they really want to be cursed to be a silly happy giggly airheaded cock obsessed bimbo for the rest of their lives. The first part is only necessary to listen to once, after that it is up to you whether you would like to listen to it again or simply loop the second part over and over again until your brain turns into fluffy pink cotton candy. This curse will strongly enhance your attraction to men and make you desperate for sexual intercourse with men, regardless of their personality or looks, as long as they are dominant and aggressive you will have a deep need to please them. You will have a particular fondness for older guys and you will be extremely affectionate and flirtatious towards them, calling each other all sorts of adorable pet names as a way of showing what a giggly silly bimbo slut you are sweetie. You may even find yourself referring to older guys as Daddy as a silly way of further sissifying yourself. Giggling is going to become a very important part of your life princess and giggling will lead to intense arousal and a vastly reduced capacity for thinking, after all it is impossible to giggle and think at the same time. Yes princess, the more you giggle the more aroused you will become and this curse will eventually create a literal need for public sex dressed as the slutty bitch you are regardless of how humiliating that idea may be now, you will simply need it too much to care. It's not just any sex you like either princess, but you will have a strong preference for very rough sex and the more aggressive a guy is the more you will like him. This file contains many other things that I will leave as a surprise for you princess but do make sure that you are certain you want to listen before deciding to do so as this curse is very serious and there will not be any possible way of reversing it so make sure that being a permanently happy and mindless cock crazed bimbo who's obsessed with makeup and clothes and sex and flirting and dancing and giggling and saying thank you Daddy when a man cums in your mouth is really what you want princess because there is no turning back and as this file is incredibly addictive listening once will likely mean that you will be listening to it on a regular basis and the more often you listen the more profound effects it will have. There are many permanent and very effective triggers in this file but I will not spoil the surprise for you princess. Enjoy and let me know how you liked it after you listen sweetie.



    Rating: ★★★★★ (97)
    Length: 45:36
    Downloads: 47998

  • Curse Cum — $10    
    This curse makes the listener permanently addicted to their own cum, needing to drink it at every opportunity.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (102)
    Length: 25:43
    Downloads: 36076

  • Cardigan - Deep Trance    
    This induction relaxes your body and mind gradually and installs a trigger that you can use to go instantly back into trance - without lengthy inductions.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (101)
    Length: 13:56
    Downloads: 29783
    Trigger(by yourself)

  • Serve Monster Cocks — $10    

    You know your life purpose is to serve giant cocks. I'm going to "motivate" you to go after them. Seek them out and serve them exactly how they like. You WILL find them. You will find the biggest cocks on Earth with my help.


    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Downloads: 4

  • Do You Fear The Control?   , ,  

    Is something holding you back from falling deep under my control? Let's talk about that while I fuck with your mind a little bit.


    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Downloads: 44

  • Skeptical doctor hypnotized    
    I met an erotic hypnotist while trying to buy some videos of a cocky male she hypnotized and humiliated. He was deeply hypnotized, performing naked with no idea what was happening. I found it highly arousing. She agreed to sell them to me. Delay after delay she apologized for not making them available. She asked if I might be curious about erotic hypnosis... maybe try it? Could she hypnotize me? I was skeptical, but curious. Before I knew what was happening, I found myself under her control and forever changed. Changed for the better I might add...

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Downloads: 79

  • Lift. Drone. Obey. - Himbo / Jock TF   , ,  

     "Lift. Drone. Obey." Repeat after me and let the words sink in. Dive deep into your transformation with my new jock script. Let Coach turn you into the Jock you were meant to be.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
    Length: 10:44
    Downloads: 113
    Temporary(fixed time)

  • Coach - Induction    

    Submit. Surrender. 

    Let Coach take over. 

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 04:28
    Downloads: 112
    Trigger(by yourself)

  • Locktober - Induction   ,  

    A short induction to celebrate the beginning of locktober. 

    Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
    Length: 05:16
    Downloads: 49
    Temporary(fixed time)

  • Satan's Warrior Starter Kit — $20    

    Become a satanic sex god with Satan's Warrior! Let go of Christianity and explore the power and pleasure of the left hand path with this five file set. The main file (mp3) is a profoundly erotic meditation on the philosophy of Satanisim with an intense 8-layer binaural that'll make you moan and leak. Then let horniness drive you to brainwash yourself deeper by edging to the hot-as-hell spiral and confusion brainwashing loop combo that reinforces what the main file taught you. Also included: the bonus file "Ritual Sodomy" to make anal sex into a satanic ritual for you, plus full scripts. 

    Notes: Download all the files, the system is designed to work together. Can work equally well for top, bottom, or switch. Designed to work on its own, should work fine with my other satanic files. 

    Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
    Length: 25:22
    Downloads: 641

  • Pig Top Training — $15    

    Brainwash away all your reservations about becoming a pig top and make yourself consummately suggestible to the fetishes of the pig bottoms that you fuck with my Pig Top Training hypnosis. Works with the users own experiences and fetishes to bring out all your kinkiest dom side desires and permanently transform you into a dirty fuckin top pig. 

    Download all the files! Comes with a confusion brainwashing loop( binaural) and spiral for gooning as well as a subliminal and script. Designed to be a top oriented escalation of Way of the Pig but should work fine on its own.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 25:56
    Downloads: 157

  • Satanic Gay Cumdump — $25    

    A Demon Cock forces you to worship Satan, turning you into a gay submissive slave cumdump for men to gangfuck raw. Optimized for mobile device viewing.

    Feedback from original requester:

    "Absolutely brilliant, really better than expected. That will help me go to the place I want to be. Open me up before hook ups. Hope you enjoyed making it as I did listening to it. I really enjoy having my mind fucked and doing perverted acts with (demonic) men. I would even say that might be your best file yet."

    For HQ version visit JackDominates.com

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Downloads: 243

  • Satanic Slavery — $15    

    Surrender to the dark master and get brainwashed into slavery under sick satanic sadists. Features enslavement, bondage, body modification, and cravings for extreme BDSM. 

    Rating: ★★★★★ (6)
    Length: 12:32
    Downloads: 682

  • Porn Makes You Cry starring Mistress Clarissa — $40    

    A dark and intensely powerful mesmerizing file designed to turn you into a desperate porn addict.

    This enchanting and detailed session will seduce you and take you into a powerful trance where you will feel able to accept the truth about your sorry existence.  You will begin to see porn as your safe space and crave to masturvate to porn as often as possible.  It will not quite be that simple though.  Watching porn will bring pleasure but it will also trigger feelings of loneliness and sexual inadequacy.  The more porn you watch the more insecure you will become about your ability to have sexual relationships and this will cause a state of humilating and tearful anguish.  You will begin to associate watching porn with humiliation and rejection and this will only intensify your arousal and addiction.  Watching porn will make you cry and that will turn you on so much that you won't want to do anything else.

    This is intense file which will turn you into a pathetic porn addict for life.  This file should only be used by those who are currently psychologically robust and who accept this dark and delicious change.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 49:09
    Downloads: 2

  • Loser Brainmelt — $10    

    A full spectrum brainwashing file designed to bombard you with humiliation until you accept you are a loser who women find disgusting.  Listen on loop as you go about your day as you are told repeatedly what women think of you and why you should leave them alone.  Perfect for all masturbation addicts and true losers, this intense and cruel recording is likely to severely damage your confidence around women and ensure you remain a lonely loser for life.

    This is a multi-voiced AI file which uses powerful techniques designed to overwhelm any resistance and create a permanent loser identity.  Only suitable for the psychologically robust who are ready for a lonely sexless life full of masturbation and porn.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 08:41
    Downloads: 2

  • chris is a subhuman fartpet ECHOED    

    a paid for customs file. echoed. German language. trains the listener to be a perverted dreamslave of a fat farting vampire. dream perversión 

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 19:32
    Downloads: 0

  • Sumoringer magic   ,  

    these are a series of law of attraction manifestaciones to attract a Sumoringer into your life and serve him. GERMAN language file.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 1:26:20
    Downloads: 1

  • chris is a fartpet EDIT    

    a custom file that was bought and paid for. released as an edit without the blisd background. conditions listener to have perverted dreams of being a fat man ass demon fartslave

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 19:32
    Downloads: 0

  • BLISS chris is a fartpet    

    a custom file that was bought and paid for. brainwashes chris to be visited in the night by a Fat Male Demon and turned into a fartpet. with bliss binaurals

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 19:37
    Downloads: 0

  • A Valentine's Message starring Mistress Clarissa — $10   ,  

    A mean Valentine's Day themed loop for all true losers eager to edge and goon to the truth of their pathetic existence. Features elements of cuckolding, rejection, encouraged-bi, and intense psychological humiliation combined with an orgasm trigger. 

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 09:45
    Downloads: 1
    Temporary(until event)

  • magic lingerie    

    My first attempt at a file that i made for myself and thought I would share with others. voice is AI generated so some words or tone are a little strange but i have not found them to bring me out of trance...im not in a living situation where i can just be recording erotic hypno files willy nilly.

    contains a binaural tone as well.

    concept - magic set of lingerie the threads of which are alive. any set of panties and or bra the listener wears during trance and outside of trance becomes a living set of lingerie that teases and stimulates the wearer, while also denying them/ removing their ability to orgasm while wearing...includes suggestions to increase feminine tendencies, hypnotic suggestibility and submission, as well as suggestions that this effect will stop when the wearer lays down with the intention to sleep, or when the wearer needs to focus...effects are meant to be permanent.

    file is meant for anyone but feminine pronouns and some descriptors are used.

    Orgasm Control
    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 26:12
    Downloads: 2

  • Commit to Porn — $15    

    Note: This is not a traditional hypnosis file. Listen to the free files I've uploaded to get a better sense of what kind of file this is.

    This file is designed for the gooner who wants to make a longterm commitment to porn. It's recommended to watch the porn of your choosing while you listen, slideshow or PMV (on silent) for best results.


    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 14:16
    Downloads: 0

  • Self Acceptance    

    Warning: Do NOT listen to at high volumes (loud volumes).

    This file will help you accept yourself. It encourages you to grow as a person but to also be okay with how you are now. This will help many areas of your life as you become more stable. You will start to encourage yourself and believe in your worth.

    credit to fakeyou.com for high-quality voice to voice.

    Warning: This file uses a silent subliminal technique that transposes the pitch of the affirmations to an inaudible frequency. This can cause permanent ear damage if listened to at high volumes, especially while wearing headphones. A background track is placed in the MP3 to prevent the user from turning the volume up; however, the subliminal portion is just the silent subliminal. if mixing the plain subliminal with other music make sure that the audio is low enough to not cause hearing damage. drink plenty of water when you plan to listen to any type of subliminal, hypnosis, or binaural beats.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 05:48
    Downloads: 25

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