
  • Pansy Part 3: Cuckold starring Mistress Clarissa — $25 — ON SALE $20   ,  
    This is a version of our recent Christmas Cuckold file with all references to the holiday period removed so you lucky Pansies can enjoy our devastating humiliation all year round.

    It will be a lonely, frustrating life for the pathetic prancing pansies who listen to this recording.  because this file will turn you into a cuckold who is unlikely to ever have sex with a woman again.  If you have a partner you can kiss goodbye to sex with her and instead will become fixated on finding a man who can actually satisfy her physical needs.  And in the more likely event that you are single then from now on you will only find it possible to have a relationship with a woman who sleeps with other men, and not you.  You may even find that you become jealous of her, as you find yourself craving to suck your partner's boyfriend's cock.  You will find yourself slowly becoming completely obsessed with thoughts of all those couples out there enjoying exotic and exciting sex lives whilst you sit at home night after night playing with your little sissy raisin like the pathetic pansy you are.

    This file, written by Ms J and voiced by enchanting London Hypnodomme Mistress Clarissa, uses extremely harsh humiliation and is most definitely not for the faint-hearted or sensitive souls.  This is not a nice file and is suitable for serious humiliation junkies only.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 41:38
    Downloads: 159
    MsJ, My wife and I really enjoy the effects of your TTS files have on me. The effects sync in so much quicker. Will you be making more/alternate files using TTS instead? She’s also not so thrilled about the idea of me listening to another actual woman, so I’m not allowed to listen to the ones with Mistress Clarissa.
    I dont get why Clarrissa is used for MsJ files. She has a good voice but it is not hypnotizing. It is more seductive and sexy. Which I like, but ruins the foundation that MsJ is built on. No offense to others but MsJ TTS and Goddess Gracie are the only reason I come to this site. I hope Goddess Gracie doesnt change direction too.
    Whilst I would never say never, the MsJ voice is not likely to be used often or if at all although I will consider custom requests. The reasons for this are twofold - firstly Mistress Clarissa is a professional Hypnodomme who as well as a track record of producing her own files sees people regularly for real time erotic hypnosis in London. Most of the feedback on her files, and those I have made with with Mistress Var, has been very positive and I prefer working with a human voice. The changes thathave happened in the lives of those who have persevered with this change of style are testament to the continued effectiveness of my files. Secondly whilst I appreciate the old voice had hypnotic qualities and many people have grown used to trancing to it, the fact it wasn't a human voice I think excerbates a problem many sissies have. Too often sissies exist purely in their heads, never leaving their computers and going out to explore their desires in the real world. This is the opposite of my intention with the files. By using a human voice, - someone who is a real person a sissy could book a Skype call with or even a session with should they pass through the UK - it anchors the experience in reality. This in time will help sissies to see their needs not as some secretive perversion but as a healthy expression of their sexuality and one they can actually enjoy with other humans beings. Too often sissies see online Mistresses as nothing more than pixels on a screen when we are the ones living and breathing kink without all the hang ups and guilt that floods the mind of the average closeted sissy. This makes sissies selfish and unable to form real relationships. It means they disappear without warning, purge, or flit about from Domme to Dom and back again with out ever committing to anything real. Without ever actually moving forward. Hypnodommes become little more than masturbation aids for a fantasy they will never go out and explore. In other words sissies end up seeing Mistresses as nothing more than tools for their own sexual gratification - and as such they are behaving just like men. This is obviously unacceptable. Sissies should be sweet natured, submissive, realistic and kind as well as sexually somewhat sluttish. I think using a human voice plays a part in facilitating the transition from a sissy who lives in her head to a sissy that is ready to truly blossom. Finally SissiDanni. Your comment is an example of just what I mean. Unless you consider that trans women are not women then you were listening to a woman all that time. It was me, a real human who created those files, who you were submitting to, and who made those changes in your life. I am not a robot and it was not a game. Mistresses are real people believe it or not, and many sissies would do well to understand that and respect it. And it is really quite rude to post negative comments on files you have not listened to. I am easily contactable if you wish to provide feedback by emailing me at: ms.julieuk@gmail.com.
    Yes Mistress. A real voice also more fully facilitates neuro-plastic collateral sprouting. The limbic brain responds to the warmth. Brains withered for want of affection and meaningful contact are particularly receptive because they are literally starving. I suspect you chose to not waste your time trying to explain. Mistress Clarissa/MsJ files are a curative balm to the soul of some pretty desperately confused individuals such as myself. "Born again" repression is a source of uniquely perverse horrific torture. I have spent 32 years twisted into something like a bloody meat pretzel for no reason other than that I am very nearly scared to death of my femininity. When my 'lady-person' bubbles up, I don't feel like a worthless cocksucker or bimbo fuck-puppet. Rather, I experience transcendent glimmers of expanded psychic dimension and 'surface area'. It is pure, it is innocent, and it is fun. Neither is it ironic that this rich blessing owes so much to files such as "Edge to Real Men". First, the arbitrarily imposed artificial barriers must be exploded. It's like any other form of exploration and discovery. At first we see only the obvious but the beauty is only fully revealed in the abstract. Thank you MsJ, you were right about everything and I hope to apologize to you some day
    Don't listen to them rude ones mistress. I love all your files and have most of them!