
  • Selective Deprogramming    
    Remove unwanted files or suggestions without affecting the things you want to keep.   Good for undoing accidental exposures, undisclosed suggestions, and minor problems with unethical hypnotists without undoing all the progress you have made with other hypnosis. This file is as precise as a scalpel, cutting out only the suggestions you have consciously chosen to remove while leaving intact the rest of your hypnotic life.

    Note: It's a good idea to come to clarity about exactly what you want removed and what you want to keep before doing this file as it can remove things permanently.  It should remove most lightly trained or accidental exposures in a couple of listenings.

    Self Help
    Rating: ★★★★★ (5)
    Length: 22:17
    Downloads: 1333
    Nice file with no self-serving suggestions (except one to maybe check out his other files in the posthypnotic state at awakening). IMO this one can be used for about anything, you decide either beforehand or let your subconscious decide. Great fun, I'm all bouncy now ;-)
    Thank you so much! I downloaded a file I should not of just out of curiosity. After listening to it a couple times I realized I had made a mistake and was getting scared on grip I felt like it was starting to get on me. Found this file though and now I feel like the other bad file has no power over me. I cannot express enough gratitude. Have no idea if you still get on here but you Sir are a good person.
    Will this reverse the effects of the Heterosexuality Eraser file? I have listened to it everyday for about a week and I can no longer get hard looking at women even though I still find them attractive and my mind gets aroused. But Im still not finding mens bodies attractive either. So Im in a kind of limbo right now.
    Terrific file. Very beneficial. Thank you for creating it.
    Will this file remove even curses?