
  • Muscle Bull: Mental Power and Boosts   ,  

    This file is meant to remind muscle bulls to be mindful, safe, and positive while being totally secure in their muscle bull status. Being a muscle bull means you are physically superior as well as mentally superior (not stooping down to a weakling's level, for example). It also mentions a dreamscape of fellow muscle bulls, all lending their support if you need it, just a dream/relaxation session away. It also reminds you that Muscle Bull Fuel that is stored can be used for a boost as well as increasing their capacity to hold more.


    You can check out my Patreon to hear this file and some of my other files for free. If you have ideas or wanna lend a voice to these type of files, just throw a message my way. Also, rate and comment what you thought, good or bad.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (5)
    Length: 09:53
    Downloads: 838