
  • LFAG: Your true, gay self — $50   , ,  
    Full title: Love, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Gratitude: your true, gay self
    Note: This is the gay version of the file: LFAG: Your true, sissy self. If you already have that one, there is no need to buy this one too.

    Hello my cute, little gay slut. Very important and life changing experiences await you when you listen to this recording. Many of the gays who have listened to previous recordings of mine, have noticed that they are not just masturbation material, but they, sometimes slowly and gradually, sometimes very fast, bring dramatic changes in the lives of the listeners. And this new recording is going to bring changes to you that you had not even realized would be helpful to you. Because as you listen to this file and follow the process that I will be describing to you, blockages that you didn't even know you had, are going to be removed and dissolved, which is going to allow you to move effortlessly and freely through your gay life, while smiling and enjoying more and more of your sexy activities. 
    Apart from inducing and creating specific behaviors, thoughts and emotions to you via direct suggestion or metaphoric idea seeding, the main idea in this recording is different. While enjoying my usual hypnotic way of speaking to your unconscious, we are also going to go through a specific process together, which, in a very simple and easy way, focuses your mind, conscious and unconscious, towards love, forgiveness, acceptance and gratitude. You may already know how important these psychological states are for any human being sweetie, and if you don’t, a simple search on google is going to easily convince you. 
    And while the technique that we are going to be using is super useful to every human being, it is probably even more useful, and sometimes even mandatory, for gay sluts like you, and this is because, a gay whore, especially one who trains herself regularly with hypnosis, NLP and other effective methods, changes her thought patterns, as well as her emotional, behavioral and physical responses, so fast, that some aspects of her do not catch up immediately. This may sometimes cause feelings of anxiety, sadness, or going back and forth between total gay cock whore mode and then purging and denying the fact that, you are a cute, horny, gay slut who enjoys taking cock, swallowing cum, and getting laughed at by women who understand what a whore you are for cock. 
    By following my instructions in this file, the aforementioned psychological states are combined, in such a powerful way, that when you listen to it even for the first time, it is very probable that you are going to feel a beautiful combination of relaxing, loving, accepting feelings, towards yourself, your past, your present, your future, and your actions, which will lead you to live your whole life in a much more fulfilling and easy, effortless way.
    Almost every gay has this type of experience, where you want to do something slutty but you are afraid of doing it. A gay might find difficulty in going to a lingerie store and asking the sales girl for advice on which kind of panties would fit her. The same or another sissy might find it difficult to create an account on a gay dating app and meeting a guy who is going to fuck her. And many more gays face several kinds of difficulties, depending on which stage in their homosexual journey they find themselves in. 
    Another thing that many gays do, is that after they cum, they regret having listened to their gay training and they may feel guilt or shame for their actions. This file, is going to help every gay in such deep ways, that it is difficult to describe with words. 
    Imagine how beautiful and happy your life is going to be when, you can easily enjoy doing all the gay things that you enjoy doing, while you are feeling really good and certain about them, because you have achieved such a connection with your true self, that it is the most natural thing to do whatever you want to do. And every time you do something that is making you more of a homo slut, your connection and love towards and from your real self is strengthened, making you happier and more satisfied each day. 
    By listening to this recording, your life is going to be much more natural and fulfilling, free of guilt, shame, anger or any other negative emotion. In their place, you are going to find happiness, peace, satisfaction, contentment, love, gratitude. And you are going to feel this way when you go about your day, and you are going to feel even more, when you allow your real gay self to guide you gently into more and more intense, gay actions. And I am sure your gay self is going to lead you into more and more exciting experiences, with men that you are going to make happy by spreading every orifice of yours for them to put their cocks inside, and with women who are going to laugh hysterically with your soft, little dicklette which is a tiny sample of what was supposed to be a cock.
    Of course, I am going to be giving you sexy ideas and suggestions throughout your session, which your unconscious mind may (you will love it!) absorb and find natural ways for you to enjoy in your real life.
    To summarize, when you listen to this file, some of the many benefits that you are going to get are:
    You are going to become much happier
    Every bit of guilt and shame regarding your gay desires is going to be cleared up
    Living life from a place of freedom, effortlessness and joy. 
    Taking action and going after what you want, easily and naturally. For example, it is very probable that you are going to find that when you think that you want to go out and suck a cock or give a blowjob, swallow cum, or get fucked, you are just going to get dressed and go out and find a cock to suck, swallow cum, or get fucked, without thinking about it much. It's going to be totally natural and easy for you.
    The thought of penetrating a woman with your small dicklette will seem very funny to you.
    Connecting to your true, deep, gay, slutty, self.
    Your gay unconscious is making the necessary choices for you.
    Total gay happiness.
    Giving the men all the pleasure they deserve.
    Women watching in amazement and laughing at what a cocksucker sissy you are.
    Your unconscious expanding the clearing / the changes to every part of your self or life that needs clearing up.
    Your feelings shift, into more gentle, loving, forgiving, grateful feelings, which will result in changing the way you see and think about things. 
    Changing your reality, and how you interpret, things, facts, behaviors, desires, in a different, loving, forgiving, grateful, free way, allowing you to, evolve faster than ever, becoming the happiest, most loving, most horny, most attractive, gay slut whore, craving to share, your deepest, most vulnerable, feelings of devotion, and acceptance, and surrender, with every man, that happens to stand in front of you, or pass you by. Because every time that, you see a man near you, you immediately begin to, allow yourself to, feel emotions of submission, and love, and surrender, and gratitude. Because every man in this world, makes you happy, because he has a cock, and even thinking about cock, makes you smile, and you feel naughty, and ready, to shamelessly share, every inch of your body, with any man that would like to use you, and fuck you, in every way that he likes. 
    Your gay unconscious is going to acquire your useful programming automatically, and while you are clearing up blockages and making your relationship with yourself better, you are going to find that the way you react to things and events in your life is going to be much more calm, and happy, and you are going to find that feelings of fear, guilt, shame are going to be lessened and eventually gone from your life. You are going to find that you are doing the things you want, feeling excited and happy each time you do.
    No matter how deep you think you are changing, your unconscious is going to find even deeper, useful changes to make in you, so that you are becoming a happier and more fulfilled gay slut each day that passes by.
    Love towards your deep, true, gay self, and accepting your gay desires.
    You love everything about yourself, deeply, and completely
    Feeling loved, in more and more situations in your life. And there are many ways, for you to feel loved. You may feel loved, when a man smiles at you, or when a man shows sexual interest in you, or when a woman wants to be your platonic friend, or when a woman laughs, at your endless inadequacies, as a male. But you feel truly, and utterly loved, when you find yourself, kneeling in front of a strong man, or on all fours, taking as many cocks as possible, and making them come, inside your gaping asshole, and inside your wide open mouth, while tears of joy, and pleasure, and release, are making your face look beautiful. That’s right sweetie. Allow your unconscious to, make deep, loving changes in you, so that you feel, more and more happy, and more and more loving, towards yourself, and towards everyone that, you come in contact with, now.
    When you hear or say the word “love”, don’t be too surprised if you find all kinds of sexy images and thoughts pop into your mind automatically.
    You are going to get deep, real forgiveness from your true self, about everything that you’ve done that is not aligned with your homosexuality. At one point or another almost all gays, have lost some opportunities to, suck cock, or get fucked, or share with a woman they know, that you are a true gay, totally incapable, of penetrating a woman, for the rest of your life. Sometimes you may have suppressed your gay desires, because you were afraid that people would make fun of you. You may have found that sometimes you have not acted immediately upon your gay desires, to flirt with a man, to make it known to him that you really want to suck his cock, and get fucked at every opportunity.
    You may have not taken advantage, of every single situation, where you could express, your slutty gay self, to women who know you. 
    Also, at some point in your life, for a period of time, you might have tried to persuade yourself that you were a straight boy. Getting forgiveness from your real gay self for the above, and many more of your thoughts and actions, is going to set you free to enjoy a lifestyle that you have not even dreamed of.
    Loving yourself more, each time you notice that, you are expressing yourself, even more truly, and even more easily, taking active steps, towards sucking more cock, getting fucked by more men, swallowing more come, getting humiliated more, in front of your female friends. 
    Feeling a deep sense of gratitude towards your true, gay self for the thoughts, the emotions, and the ideas, which your sissy self is creating inside you, leading you to come closer and closer, to the best lifestyle for you, full of strong men, and huge cocks, and loads of come, and laughing women.
    For taking away all the guilt that you have accumulated, over the years, regarding your desires and your actions.
    For taking away, all the shame and fear, that you used to feel, when wanting to get fucked, on all fours, screaming in pleasure, like a bitch in heat.
    For helping you understand that, it is only natural, for you to crave cock, and male come, all day, and all night. 
    For showing you that, it is easy to flirt with men, and give them obvious signals that, you want them inside you.
    For loving you, because love is all that matters, and you love yourself, deeply, and completely, and you are now free to go after what you lust, effortlessly and easily. 
    … and many more exciting suggestions are included in this file
    … and you are going to enjoy infinitely more profound changes, as your unconscious mind is absorbing the lesson and is generalizing it to every part of your life and being where it is useful and positive for you!
    WARNING: This recording is a real session of hypnotherapy combined with one of the most potent emotional clearing techniques. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT, listen to this file, repeatedly, again, and again, and again, unless you want to, live your most sexy fantasies in real life, as the cute, sexy, gay slut of your dreams, who is eager to go out and live everything that you have been fantasizing about, and really feel good about it, as if it is the most natural thing in the world. On the other hand, even if you are not, sure right now that, you are eager to suck cocks, and bend over for men, and swallow their cum, or if you are not, eager to get a boyfriend, who is going to love you, and fuck you every day, by listening to this, you are going to find that, your inner, true, gay self, is going to guide you to, do all the things that she craves, and really feel natural about it.
    Keep in your little, gay mind sweetie, that while this file is not categorized as a curse, it is probably even more irreversible, because, think about it. If you had an experience of complete freedom, feeling beautifully connected with your inner self, your deepest needs and desires, totally happy and smiling, knowing that you can get everything you need out of life (and all the cum you crave out of men!), would you ever even want to go back to your old, restricted, unhappy lifestyle? I guess not. Therefore, again, proceed with caution, listening to this file carefully and noticing every useless inhibition dissolve, and being replaced by a new sexy desire, allowing you to achieve your full potential, as a gay cock whore, for men to fuck, and for women to laugh at.
    Instead of feeling fear and avoiding things that you know you would enjoy, like showing a man that you would be truly happy and excited to suck his cock, you will now find that you are doing all these things effortlessly, sometimes without even thinking about it or even thinking about trying. You just do it, and you feel happy and excited about it, at least until you reach the point of just following your gay urges without even thinking about it, as if it is the most natural thing in the world, and it is, natural and effortless, for you, now.
    And in the same, effortless way, that you are going to bend over to take a cock inside or kneel to suck a hard cock, you can just follow your gay urges and just buy and download and listen to this file now, because a part of you has already began to imagine how much happier you are going to be now, when you find that you are satisfying all your gay desires, without even trying. This has already started sweetie. Don’t get left behind. Jump on this exciting emotional clearing journey and watch yourself and the whole world around you transform into something really wonderful and fulfilling.
    NOTE: By buying this file, you get two versions to download. The first version uses the word "faggot" a lot. As some of you don't enjoy being called a faggot, I have also included a second version with that word removed. 
    I am eager to read your comments on how this file is changing your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, your whole life. Take care sweetie.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 1:21:45
    Downloads: 190
    In your words, what do you think would happen if a straight man listened to this file? Including sissy. Do you think this would lead the man to become confused, sad or embrace new feelings? Like total conversion? How would a straight man be affected by this file if he were to listen and accept the messages?
    Every person is different which means that there is no way to guess exactly what would happen, but, if a straight man listens to this and accepts the messages, my guess is that he will start feeling more and more happy and at peace with being more and more gay. In the description I keep referring to the reader as a gay slut, but any male can listen to this recording, provided of course that he wants to be gay and happy about it.
    I love this file, I feel happier and more at peace with myself when ever I listen to it. in fact while waiting for my train to work this morning I caught myself checking out a guy on the opersit platform and instead of feeling disgusted or ashamed of myself I felt all warm and giddy