
  • ocntrl - YPWTBS - Addressing Self Limiting Beliefs    
    This file is part of the Your Personal Way To Become a Slave serie.

    Moving from the mindset of wanting to be a slave to the mindset of being a slave can be sabotaged by a number of self limiting beliefs.

    So I suggest you make a list of every self limiting belief you can come up with. Often they will sound like... "I can't really become a slave because..." 

    Most likely you already have tried to address some of them at a conscious level. Looking for a way around them.

    Also most likely, you had no or limited success.

    The reason is that self limiting beliefs live at the subconscious level and need to be resolved at that level.

    That is what this file does. Destroy one self limiting belief at a time. 

    This means you can use this file as many times as is needed to address a specific self limiting belief, and as many times as you have self limiting beliefs.

    More so, you will become better and better at handling them every time you listen.

    As mentioned in the Introducion to the the Your Personal Way To Become a Slave serie, you can improve the effect by first getting familiar with some of my free files. The links are shown below.

    Enjoy your changes and keep me posted.

    You can always contact me by sending a message here or to kaos.ocntrl@gmail.com.

    Deep Trance (extended version)
    Deep Trance (no intro)
    Deep Trance (Trigger Deepening)
    Accepting your desires, changes and your self
    suggestibility induction

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 11:49
    Downloads: 128
    This file is amazing and it’s just the beginning of an incredible adventure Ocntrl will guide you through. This is step one in reimagining yourself as an actual slave, with a slave mindset in the real world. No silly triggers or obedience commands here. Ocntrl is taking a different approach and helping listeners take an inward journey to make obedience and submission a real and natural way of life. No more fantasizing. This is the real thing. If you train with the Deep Trance triggers the effectiveness and efficiency of this file increases. It feels like total bliss. Like he says in the description, Ocntrl is helping you get out of your own way of your own desires. No more self limiting beliefs. Awesome. Thanks Ocntrl. Can’t wait for the rest of the series. And to let myself explore submission without hesitation.
    This is such a great series of files, and will come in handy in my own slave training for my new Master.