
  • TrainHypnoLoss    
    Will cause whoever listens to the file to completely forget that they were hypnotised by the next file they use and every time that use 'that' file. The effects will still work to the best to their ability, perhaps allowing the person to go deeper into a trance. But causing the person to forget that they were hypnotised by a particular file.... Each time will seem like the first time and will feel like an overwhelming instinctive curiousity to listen to it. This file doesn't make someone listen to a file they wouldn't normally, just gets them to forget about a file they've already listened to.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (30)
    Length: 21:14
    Downloads: 12055
    Only while under
    I started using this with an other file because it seems to make the second file stronger. It never made me completely forget using the file but I can never remember more than a word or two of the second file. I have trouble remembering the name of the second file, especially after I changed my copy to "my file". I have a lot of trouble remembering if I actually listened to my file. Usually the only way I know that I did is by accounting for lost time in my day.
    tried it but it didnt really work for me. i used trig catgirl after it. i remember most of it and catgirl didn't work. I did feel like i was in a trance like state or almost in one. it was the closest i have ever felt to being in one.
    I tried it once and it has had the effect of making me accept the next file more completely, and it made me interested in the next file I played, so that I wanted to listen to it again. It has not yet made me forget much. Maybe that takes more than one listen. I am not bad at trance, but this file made me be in trance more continuously, rather than popping out of trance during the file. I assume the file will wear off when I stop listening for a few days as the others have, but this file made me have to resist the desire to listen also!
    I followed this with another memory loss file and it worked really well. I ended up blanking out until midway through a third file that had automatically started playing. I only remember starting the second file, but none of its contents. (even though I had listened to it before.) This is a great file.
    Tried this, and when I came round I felt like I was coming up from the bottom of a swimming pool. Initially I had forgotten the second file, but within 24hours it had worn off and I understood how I'd now shaven my legs