
  • Irrevercible Programming Sissy Slut. Stage one.    
    This new work is based on NLP Programming Technics. This tecnics creates slowly but irrevercible penetration into the subconcience mind of a listener. And step by step, stage by stage your inner girl conquers you with complete demasculization and sissification of your own.. In the stage one your journey to your womb will help you to reprogram all your development from the womb to nowadays and discover your inner girl in all her beauty. You will see how she is more superior than your male's nature and it will born unlimited wish to be only HER. Your beautiful Mistress inside you. Special thanks to J.S. Bach for his amazing music that is playing during all the hypnosis session and Rhondadeen whose script were used in arrangement in creating this hypnotic file.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 29:01
    Downloads: 266