
  • Cardigan - Induction - Superfast    
    This induction assumes that you have been working with my normal induction - Cardigan - Deep Trance first. Deep Trance installs a mechanism to go faster into trance. This new induction uses this mechanism to achieve even faster trance - and it installs a trigger to go instantly into trance - when you use my other file: Cardigan - Instant Trance later. This is an induction stripped of file body and awakening. You have to add those yourself.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (18)
    Length: 08:00
    Downloads: 4522
    Trigger(by anyone)
    This induction works surprisingly well for analytical thinkers who have difficulty trancing. Definitely worth a shot if your mind's too wrapped around the words instead of simply listening. I don't know if that was an intended effect, but it's a good one.
    I found it particularly interesting how well this worked on me. I have had plenty of success with Cardigan\'s Deep Trance and Enhancement and Acceptance previously, but decided to give this one a try since it sounded extremely practical to be able to go under in one minute. First time I tried it, I started getting a little skeptical after he had gotten past the triggering procedure, thinking that I probably hadn\'t practiced enough with the other files and I was somehow completely convinced it wouldn\'t work, but I just couldn\'t bring myself to get up. Then before I know it, I hear him saying \"start waking up now\", and I realize my mind just kind disappeared during the counting. Second and third times were quite similar, but after the fourth time, I cannot doubt the effectiveness anymore. I\'m still a little surprised that me manages to take my mind away completely, implant a trigger and bring me back in just 8 minutes. Looking really forward to see the effects of the trigger, but knowing me, it\'ll probably take some time before it\'s implanted properly.
    This has quickly become my preferred induction. I did make a small edit to remove the awakener at the end because I wanted to put this at the beggining of my playlist. As I\'m getting more used to trance, I seem to find the longer inductions a bit like stairs down a skyscraper, this file is like taking the elevator. I also love the tie to the instant version, which also seems to work quite well for me after using this file a few times. Thanks Cardigan!