
  • Slow - Itchy Dick Curse   , ,  

    Talking about you? They will be. Let this loop, pervert. Find yourself needing to pinch and grab at your penis when you're around women. Coworkers. Family. Random women at the store or in the park? Won't matter. Enjoy knowing they are mortified by you. Over and over as you can't stop from needing to abate that itch over and over, unable to keep from rubbing at your cock in front of women.

    Sexy huh? An isolated pervert who can't be around women without being humiliated and made to feel stupid, scratching and fidgeting all the time.

    A perfect fate for you.

    Wear your headphones or buds. Listen as you rest.


    From your pal The Voice 666... also known as Major Pixel. 

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 467