
  • Crawling — $15    

    Do you love to imagine yourself as the perfect little baby? Is being an adorable, cuddly, little infant something that you aspire towards in your everyday life, but find yourself having trouble letting yourself go and behaving in the ways that make you most happy? Perhaps all that you need is a few simple daily habits to help regress you in exactly the ways that you have always imagined!

    Through this recording, you will learn just how unsteady and awkward you are on their feet, which is why you have always desired to crawl on your hands and knees in order to get from one adorable place to another. Be gently guided as you are encouraged to be the best baby you can possibly be with a few helpful reminders of the proper habits and attitudes for someone so adorable and childlike. Begin feeling wobbly on your feet as you start to prefer to always be on your hands and knees as you move from one childish activity to the next.

    Behave like a child in every way. Listen to “Crawling” as a part of your habits today!


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    Infant Behavior
    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Downloads: 74