
  • Curse Penis Shrink Gone   , ,  
    this is a modification of CursePenisShrink differences noted below
    (the voice is not mine, it is EMG's voice)

    WARNING: this file is not normal as it cannot be lifted even by EMG himself so neither he nor myself can be held responsible, if you don't want the end result do not listen to this file!!

    please note, there is a selection for this file in the curse removal under premium, the way this file is made that selection is unlikely to work so you are wasting your money, do not expect EMG to refund you if the removal does not work

    Note: if you have piercings in your penis or scrotum removal is suggested as permanent damage can be caused by skin tearing once the skin has shrunk enough, or the piercings will have the skin grow over them making removal difficult if not impossible without surgery

    This file will cause your penis and ballsack to shrink until both are completely invisible. Your ballsack will retract further and further inside you until it is no longer visible. Your testicles will retract inside your body and shrink until they are no longer visible or can be felt. Your penis will also retract into your body until it is no longer visible. All pubic hair will fall out permanently. This will continue until all that is left is a smooth crotch with no visible signs of male genitalia. The only thing that will remain is a small hole at the base of your crotch so you can urinate.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (24)
    Length: 20:05
    Downloads: 8617
    but can u use dildos on your self
    hey,jamieabdl, if it says,a small hole in the base of your crotch,i believe you can.
    lots of downloads on this any results?
    has anyone done this
    will this make triditonal SRS of pinal invershion imposable ????
    has anyone done this? what\'s it like?
    well im going to try it out. hopefully i\'ll gett down 3 in errect. wish me luck
    Signs under the question about traditional SRS/penal inversion.
    my Mistress has instructed that i WILL listen to this file(both as background and as i sleep) as She wishes for me to have no penis and no balls. i shall be doing so whenever i am in the Worshipful presence of my Mistress. As i am away a fair bit, it may be 2 or 3 days without listening, but it may also be many many times each evening and night that i am in the presence of my Mistress and She will instruct me as to when i must listen.\r\ni would be happy to answer any questions as to any success if anyone is tempted but unsure.\r\nHoping that you all have a good day,\r\nslave maddie
    Well, not like this file does much after listening to it one time. The result is just moderate shrinking, not gone :) Want to listen to it again and do it deeper though. \n\nIt may be only my feeling, but I felt like the point of not being afraid of loosing penis is overstressed. Possible because I\'m transgendered, and that\'s my desire. Possibly a variant for transgendered people with no avertion to loosing penis is a good idea.
    Oh, and a bit of warning. If you ever wanted/worked on avoiding your erections, this file might reinforce this feeling, so if you don\'t want to be a bit stuck in being horny but not able to finish it with erection, be careful with using this file.
    The induction on this is really good, I didn\'t realise it was working until it did, if you see what I mean.
    So, nogar88, you got really good results with this one? ;-)
    i\'m gonna keep listening and see if it works ill let you all know
    i\'ve listened to it three times and it already feels like it\'s working i can\'t wait for my penis and balls to be gone forever
    I really hope this works, i would love nothing more than for my cock and balls to be gone forever.
    if you believe enough and have patience it will work, have faith and don\'t listen to people who spread doubt, they are just jealous that they cannot bring themselves to believe in their mind enough to change their bodies
    Kinda suprising how well this works. I started listening to it yesterday, about five times throughout the day. Im still listening to it on the second day and my balls have shrank all the way inside me. Love how well it works
    does this really work? I want to shrink badly
    Wish there was a loop file w/o an induction for this. I've started listening to the file while lying in bed before sleep, and again when I wake up before getting out of bed. But I'd like something that I can put on loop while I'm working w/o fear it'll put me out.
    This maybe the file im looking for. Ive listend to the curse shrink file for two weeks with some results. But i want it to be permanent and irreversible. Hope this is it.x
    hi to all yes this works so if you realy not wand to loose your cock and sack white balls not lissing to this file y was sceptic about this file thinkt it was not going to work so list it for the fun more times but it worked iam now just have a small peehole and my male genitals are gone for real some times y have the regret y listen to this file but it is whate is iam no longe have the male parts
    If I listen to this, will I keep something to use as a clitoris when I get SRS ?