
  • Curse Penis Shrink Breast Growth   , ,  
    this is a combination of both the CursePenisShrinkGone and the CurseBreast files with some extras added
    (the voice is not mine, it is EMG's voice)

    WARNING: this file is not normal as it cannot be lifted even by EMG himself so neither he nor myself can be held responsible, if you don't want the end result do not listen to this file!!

    please note, there is a selection for this file in the curse removal under premium, the way this file is made that selection is unlikely to work so you are wasting your money, do not expect EMG to refund you if the removal does not work

    Note: if you have piercings in your penis or scrotum removal is suggested as permanent damage can be caused by skin tearing once the skin has shrunk enough, or the piercings will have the skin grow over them making removal difficult if not impossible without surgery

    NOTE: this is the file that prompted me to suggest the CurseSuperFemaleWhammy due to its growing size, here it is, hope you enjoy

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (13)
    Length: 50:16
    Downloads: 7531
    any results?
    any results ?
    will it work_
    if you believe enough and have patience it will work, have faith and don\'t listen to people who spread doubt, they are just jealous that they cannot bring themselves to believe in their mind enough to change their bodies
    What concerns me most about this file is that NOTHING mentions vaginal growth. It mentions penis shrink and I can feel it shrink plus notice results however, what am I supposed to do if I don\'t have a dick nor a vag?
    On my first leasion i am growing breasts