
  • Trig Potty Amnesia    
    This is like an incontinence file with an extra bonus. When you hear the phrase, "Babies don't know about the potty," you will be completely incontinent of both bladder and bowels (diapers are helpful!), and you will know everything that a baby knows about the potty and going potty -- in other words, not much! You won't recognize when you have to go, you won't notice when you're going if possible, and you might not even notice after you've gone. The potty is something for grownups, which you are not, so you don't think about using it. It cannot possibly occur to you that this or that feeling means it's time to go potty, because you don't know what going potty is anymore. If you don't have someone else to change your diapers, you may remember that the potty is useful for getting rid of the mess in messy diapers, but that's all! In all other ways you remain normal, but you can't remember what a potty is for or what feelings tell you it's time to go potty, until you hear the phrase, "Time to grow up."

    Bladder + Bowel
    Rating: ★★★★☆ (26)
    Length: 19:29
    Downloads: 7725
    Trigger(by yourself)
    definitely works!
    Just listened to this file and im glad ive got a diaper on. I flooded it 3 times in the space of 15 minutes and thats not an exageration.wow
    oh, should point out that my baby actually regressed to about 2 when she heard the trigger.
    is the trigger in this file self triggible??
    Listened to this once yesterday, then activated through the trigger. since then have had trouble holding my pee and poo. it's harder to hold the pee than the poo. have soaked several pairs of underwear through small accidents, and wet the bed soaking the diaper last night. also found a small nugget of poo in the crotch of diaper from last night. listened again a few minutes ago, and boy was i glad i was wearing an underjam for the accidents i've been having. i soon as i said the trigger i soaked it and ran to the bathroom still peeing where it broke over the toilet.
    doesn't seem to be deactivatable though. even with someone else saying "time to grow up". i plan to stop and listening and i hope that through time the effects will eventually wear off
    I don't think it worked, i read the phrase and said the phrase, but it didn't work. Can someone give me some tips on how to not be potty trained or how to get this video to work?
    I wish I had those results!!! have to keep trying, I guess
    how long does this one take to effect
    Ages ago when I listened to this and never left comments anywhere it was perfect. It didn\'t take many listens to have an effect on me. 2-3 tops. I did say the trigger a few times just to be certain I had been triggered. I will warn you though it is literally nappies or soiled clothing once triggered. The un-triggering worked fine for me too. This and its counterpart with the trigger removed are the best files for going pee and poop on either a temporary or permanent basis.
    For some reason after I listened to this file I had trouble reading for about a hour but that is it. I will try this again tomorrow though. Also does anyone have any tips to get this to work?\n
    I have tried this file twice and for some reason it fails to work, oh well i guess i will try agian later.\n
    Does anyone know if this file actually works or is it bs?
    This actually works, I listened to this twice, and I have been leaking piss and I'm not trying to do it intentionally, I was in the middle of something until I realized that I just leaked all over my chair. And it makes me hard for some reason when I do it.
    After listening to this, the results (for me, at least), were almost immediate! Before this, I had a huge problem with a Shy Bladder, and it was extremely hard for me to wet my diaper at all! After listening to this once (and TrainDiapers threee times), I still haven't lost total control, however, it's much harder to actually hold anything in my bladder. Though my bowels haven't hit this yet, I'm sure that after a couple more times, it'll work better. Thank you so much!
    Watched 3 times and no results, please help
    Is it fine that I fell somewhat asleep during the middle of it
    So for downloading I know what the MP3, and Script files are but what is the body file I would like to know without having to pay to find out.
    This file works even when you don't think it does. I was convinced it didn't I was like I still remember what the potty is I am a big boy but then I noticed I couldn't really feel my bladder properly, I also started getting compulsions to pee when standing and my bladder started squirting. I also after awhile started freezing on the spot squating and attempting to use my diaper. the feeling to need to go doesn't exist anymore. Additionally the potty I can vaguely sort of remember using it but it's like a cloud of fog is in my head when I try and think about it and my brain changes the subject. I sat on it in my didi but I didn't know how to use it and it's use is only getting less clear as time goes on. I truely cannot remember ever using it.