
  • Curse Trig Catgirl    
    This file is a furry file designed to cause listeners to imagine themselves as being sexy catgirls when triggered by saying "catgirl time". This file includes both imagined physical and mental changes, which means they gain some of the personality characteristics they imagine catgirls have until they say "revert to normal." It is a curse because the trigger is addictive and each time the listener triggers herself more of her catgirl personality traits remain.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (17)
    Length: 20:27
    Downloads: 4822
    I listened to this once and after I was done, I was a kinda happy where my body was a bit tingly. When I said the trigger to myself a whole lot of energy went through my body and I was still a bit happy, for the next 10 minutes I was able to make myself happy and tingly by will. It was awesome, i'm gonna see how far this file can get me but i'l try to block out the part where the personality traits remain since i'd prefer keeping it hidden.
    Amazing one listen and after the the trigger i felt like a cat girl, thank you so much this is so great good job.