
  • Cry Baby — $15    

    Do you ever fantasize about how happy you will be in your future once you are crying like a little baby that you love to be each time that you need something? Whether that’s a diaper change, a warm bottle of milk, or even a nap, every good little baby knows that they can always get what they want by crying their innocent little eyes out.

    Listen as I gently guide you towards forming the fun and pleasurably childish habits that allow your troubling and worrisome adult thoughts to simply melt away. Learn to naturally let those big wet tears well before you start uncontrollably crying like an innocent little child you love to be whenever you do not get your way. Think about how much happier and carefree you will be once you learn to express your emotions easily and naturally like the adorable baby that you desire to be.

    You are a baby. It is time to start acting like it! Let go of all your boring and uninteresting adult thoughts and give in to your childish emotions as you become a “Cry Baby.


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    Infant Behavior
    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Downloads: 49