
  • ShapeShifter Become Anything !!(Self Trigger) — $15    

    This file allows you to look at any image or picture, or even visualize your own and say a trigger phrase, which will then transform you as long as you want to be transformed, into that body, into that image.

    This file only focuses on the body changes, it does not enforce any kind of mental change.

    THIS IS ONE OF MY NEWEST FILES and I would like to keep doing new and creative files.

    The file also allows you to use the trigger in dreams/while lucid dreaming.

    The file suggests that your mind will get better at these transformations every time.

    There is a lot of content here. The file enforces the foggy minds trigger that I use and has a special induction.


    Rating: ★★★★☆ (1)
    Length: 16:55
    Downloads: 19
    Trigger(by yourself)