
  • Interactive Hypnosis 1.2    


    Change the file extension from .wav to .zip

    After painstaking hours on Notepad++ and Chat GPT, I've created a Javascript and HTML-based Interactive Hypnosis software.  To start the session, click on index.html.  createTextInput adds a textbox in which you can view the input across the webpages.  goToPage allows you to link to another webpage.  playAudio allows you to link an audio file that can autoplay, play when you hit a button, or a custom event.  I plan on adding more functions in later revisions and even a GUI for people who don't want to deal with code, but this is a basic Erikson induction with whatever interactivity you want to add on top.  The file format is .zip but I have to change it to .wav for them to upload.  I recommend you change it back to .zip unless you want windows to yell at you that the codecs don't make any sense.




    *Added a pre- and post-hypnotic talk to ease the subject in and out of trance better

    *Added a FAQ section for general hypnosis questions and file-specific questions.

    *Changed how goToPage buttons work so you can edit the text.


    *Added a sample routine so hypnotists can develop faster.

    *Added retrieveTextInput() function.

    *Added clearTextInput() function.

    *Added randomString() function.

    *Added more parameters to the createTextInput() function.

    *Changed some code to allow more 1st and 2nd person pronouns to be switched.

    *depth.html now redirects to the sample routine.

    Rating: ★★☆☆☆ (4)
    Downloads: 504
    I keep getting your file couldn't be accessed, could you please provide some instructions on how to use because I must be doing it wrong
    @sam2772 You need to change the file extension as it is an HTML based program. Listening to it through an audio player won't work because it is not an audio file.
    Changed to zip file and some reasoni csnt get pasy the initial "place most relaxed" page
    It doesn't seem to remember any of my answers
    Changing extension to html does nothing. The file is completely unreadable by every program I have.
    Nevermind I can't read apparently, sorry.