
  • Potty Training Eraser — $35    

    The premise of this file is quite simple, it will slowly erase memory of ever having been potty trained  until you have no recollection of it ever having happened.  It does so by working with your subconscious/inner mind to slowly remove any recollection of ever having been successfully potty trained.  Imagine slowly losing all memories of ever having been potty trained until you no longer remember ever having used a toilet and discovering one day that you have to wear diapers to avoid wetting and messing because you never learned how to control yourself.  That is what this file will do to you.

    This file comes with 2 versions, a traditional MP3 and a double layer silent subliminal.  The subliminal includes 1 VERY quiet layer as well as a truly subliminal layer, if you start to hear the quiet layer, turn your volume down as the true subliminal layer will be pounding in your ears at a dangerously high level.

    Bladder + Bowel
    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 23:28
    Downloads: 83
    A Very Great and Strong File From EMG, it's Best you listen this With Headphones, sometimes the Words are Very Hard to Understand, It is spoken almost too quietly and too fast in this File! I work very Long to be full Incontinent, always when i listen first, the First Time really Worked good to me, after then the Reactions are gone away in a Day. But i realize, that i listen first the Accelerator File from EMG, after this File, i come so more deeply in Hypnosis, it's a Dream. My First Goal after this Time is, that i wet and Poop more often, uncontrolled but not Permanent! When i wear Diapers, i can Wet more uncontrolled this is the First what i realize too, i think this is a Goal for Beginning!
    This file is very effective! The memory altering is certainly working! I can't even think up pictures of myself on the potty or of me back when I was potty training! I also just picture myself being in diapers even back in high school and college! My mind is soo fuzzy regarding potty training, can't really recall it much now it feels. This has also gotten me wetting and messing more, and feeling my control gradually slip away. This file is sooo deeply relaxing!:) One of my favorite files on here!