
  • TrainTotalJock4    
    This is a rework of TrainTotalJock3 that removes the elements that dumb you down and instead encourages intelligence. It also works a bit on weight gain issues.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (16)
    Length: 27:10
    Downloads: 5976
    Is this the 4th in the series or can this be used instead of TrainTotalJock 1?? btw, thanks for listening to the posts of those of us that didn't want the dumbness. :)
    it isnt fair that people have to pay for the file that doesnt dumb them down
    it dosnt work
    I prefer #2 and 3. I find it more exciting to do the \'darker\' files (IQ drops etc) and interesting to see how the brain reacts.
    How effective is this file? Does it actually work? If so, how long does it take to do so?
    I only get the first few minutes when I download.
    Try downloading again if there is an issue. You can also look for the user trawl, he has this same version by EMG but features beats to bring you down faster. This file has actually worked for me, but the beats help beat the ideas into my brain faster. Pun intended. I have to say this most certainly works. For the best effects, you may want to listen to another body/attitue changing file like muscle bound. Between the two, I feel very pumped and motivated. I listen to them back to back at night before going to sleep.
    I've added this to my rotation. It seems to be doing a good job on me. Of course, I also ended up buying singlets to wear all the time, now. :) Thank you, EMG.