
  • Breast and Butt Growth Subliminal Pueraria Mirifca — $25    

    This track will help you grow your sissy breast. and butt  Pueraria works amazing and is used in Asia for assisting Transgender grow their breasts.

    Below is the Sub Track

    Your body naturally assimilates the healthy beauty benefits of Pueraria mirifica

    You enjoy the natural breast growth from using Pueraria mirifica

    Pueraria mirifica is easy to assimilate and helps in your breast growth.

    Your breast grow naturally and you enjoy feeling them grow and develop.

    Your ass grow more naturally and be pleasant to touch and look at

    Why your booty?

    Because a beautiful booty like's to both girls to boys.

    And for these you need to grow it out.

    Grow a beautiful ass like your favorite porn star.

    A beautiful bubble butt, round, and firm.

    Everyone likes to touch and massage it, also to eat it.

    You will have a big, round, firm ass.

    And you will love it.

    You love to grow this big ass.

    Your body will use the healthy Benefits of Pueraria mirifica and give you beautiful tits and ass.

    You openly accept these changes and are proud of the new you these changes are creating.



    I accept the new me with healthy breast. I enjoy the way they feel and give me pleasant sensations.

    I love the way my butt is filling out and enjoy feeling it.

    I love playing with my ass and tits they feel so good.

    I allow my body to use the Pueraria mirifica to grow my great ass and tits.

    I am becoming more girly in the process and I LOVE IT

    I am grateful for the Pueraria mirifica

    I see and feel the real changes in my body and I LOVE IT


    You believe in the power of hypnosis

    You believe and accept all these changes as being a natural part of you

    You willing and knowingly accept the changes all these suggestions are having on you and your body and mind

    You accept and feel lucky to know your breast are growing and your ass is becoming more shapely and fun to touch and fondle

    I am perfect as I am

    There is NOTHING I can't do!

    Happiness surrounds me

    I love and accept myself

    I trust my inner being to lead me in the right path

    I do all I can every day to make a loving environment for all

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Downloads: 89
    Claim Your FREE Pueraria Mirifica ‘The Natural Way’ 34 Page Guide Book, MP3 Audio & Mini Course https://www.purafem.com/product/free-pueraria-mirifica-the-natural-way-guide-book You MUST CONFIRM your email address before we can send you your Free PREMIUM Natural Breast Enhancement eBook Go check your email and confirm your subscription RIGHT NOW! Look for an email from Pueraria (from this email address: pueraria@puerariaherb.com) with this subject line:
    This Audio track will greatly support you on your journey and includes the Sex Machine Track as an added bonus
    This Audio track will greatly support you on your journey and includes the Sex Machine Track as an added bonus
    Can I get a copy of the s rigor this? I would like very much to read it,
    Could I get a copy of the script that goes with this file? I would like very much to read it.