
  • Buddy Sleep   , ,  

    Edit: I'm working on posting more Buddy Sleep files and have several ready to go. This was more of a test file that I'm keeping up since it will come off of premium sooner. This one matches be the fourth file (the fourth complete Buddy file does have the awakener, but that's the only difference), but it goes over the same triggers and has the full induction, so there won't be any issues with listening to this one before the other ones if needed. 


    Hello! Thanks for checking out my first file. I'm not an expert at this, so I mostly made this file for myself and thought that some of us on here might like to test it together. It uses the same scripts as 4 B@mbi Sleep (BS) files (bubble induction, bubble acceptance, named and drained, and uniformed), but I went in and edited the script to make it an age regression file. This obviously isn't produced with the same level of quality as those files. The idea is to begin creating a younger persona named Buddy who will slowly take control of the listener and his body. This only barely goes into diapers and wetting, focusing more on establishing obedience, the buddy persona, and dressing like a little boy (diapers or briefs, cute clothes, etc.), but my plan if this file works for me is to branch off and use the setup of this file to force diapers or pants wetting in other files. There is no awakener, but I'll work on that part later. Attach your own, or just sleep when you've finished listening. The BS files are notorious for not having safeties in place, so I imagine that you would need to go into this file with the same concern. I voices everything except the voice of Buddy who is text to speech. When I listen to this file and hear Buddy, I visualize Buddy's voice as representing his thoughts in my head. This assumes that the listener is a man who wants to be turned into a boy. Women can listen but I was creating it for myself, so I used male termonology. As far as the age of the regression goes, I tried to be general enough for the listener to project their desired age, but it probably works best to think of a toddler since it references both big boy undies and diapers. 

    Age Regression
    Rating: ★★★★☆ (4)
    Length: 1:11:52
    Downloads: 41
    Trigger(by yourself)
    I've been looking for something like this for the longest time! I love it, please make more!
    Babyjonny - Thanks for the comment. I'm glad that you enjoyed the file. I'm working on editing the content and recording more of the Bambi Sleep scripts now and hope to have more files ready soon.
    this is awesome @jdaniels84!! i couldn't help myself... i listened to it FOUR times last night... do you plan on maybe adding safeties at some point... or will you keep these like the B@mb! $leep files and basically make it that the listener winds up as Buddy (like the wind up as B@mbi)? sincce it sounds like yuo plan on making this a series, i am really looking forward to see what you do with this next!
    If you get chance please could you make a version without the more sexual eleemnts because that turned out to be a bit of a roadblock for me. I hand't listned right the way through when I first commented and it doesn't jibe that well with my little persona o_O
    What a great listen! I've considered doing a BS analog since there was a distinct lack of any similar ABDL/AR files and I mostly work with TTS these days, but Buddy training does such a good job at filling the gap that I don't think there'd be much point anymore :) You're a great narrator! Listening feels like sitting down for a comfy little storytime, which is something I wish we saw more of in voiced files. Thanks for all the work you've put into this so far and I can't wait to see how you port over further files!
    The description alone sounds amazing, as soon as this goes free I'll be listening to it nonstop can't wait!
    @babyjonny Sorry that it took me so long to get back to you. I've been working on more files, and I'm just catching up here. The sexual content part is a little tricky. I feel like a lot of sexual content isn't good for little boys, but the triggers in Bambi Sleep (and by extension these triggers) depend upon an association with pleasure. For me, it started with the understanding that the men who are listening are generally sexual before regression. I tried to use that to create an addiction to the triggers with the intention of teaching Buddy that he can't orgasm like a normal man because he's just a little boy. That's a process, but I'd love to finish these files and be completely unable to have sex or masturbate. I'm curious though since I felt like the sexual content was toned down - what was in the files that made it more difficult to listen? Regardless, the new files that I just posted don't have the same references that you are probably talking about.
    @little-bri - Thanks! I'm so glad that you enjoyed the file. I just put up a couple of the other files that I've been working on and will probably add more soon. I did have to put a couple of safeties in one file that isn't posted yet (there is a theme of being proud of his diaper and less worried about being seen wearing them, and I wanted to make sure that Buddy didn't expose anything to minors), but I'm not sure how the files will develop after that. I was creating these for myself first - it took so long because I've been testing them - and I was interested in an experience that was somewhat similar to what B**bi offered.
    @Puddle - Thanks for the positive comments. I was really nervous at first, so I'm glad that it didn't come through too much in the files.
    This is exactly the kind of thing I've been looking for. My little side isn't connected to humiliation or a wholesome therapeutic outlet. It's very much tied to my kinks and my desire to be submissive to a Dominant man. I love that this connects ABDL with obedience and submission. Thank you so much. I look forward to delving deeper into these files.