
  • Buddy Sleep: Complete Buddy Takeover, Part 4   , ,  

    Hello! Welcome to the baby boy brainwashing series, Buddy Sleep. The files, modeled after the infomous B**bi sleep (BS) files, seeks to help the Buddy, the little baby boy inside the listener's mind, emerge as the dominant personality. While most of the scripts are modelled after BS, the style is quite different and uses a human mail voice instead of the TTS used by the former files. TTS is used to represent Buddy's voice inside the listener since it wouldn't be appropriate to use an actual child's voice given the script. The listener is encouraged to think of Buddy's voice as his own when listening to each of the files.

    By the end of the series, it is my hope that Buddy (and by extension, the listener) will be a diaper loving, diaper dependent little boy. Like BS, there aren't a lot of safeties, so listener's should proceed with caution and make sure that they truly want to be a good little baby boy before beginning the series. 

    The files talk about being a good little boy and mentions male anatomy. While anyone who thinks of themselves as a male might enjoy these files, it would have been too difficult to speak in gender neutral terms for more universal appeal.

    All files are modular. I plan on releasing shorter, individual segments of each part of the files so that people can put together their own playlists, but for now, I'm focusing on this sequence of comeplete files to begin the Buddy takeover process. That will make sure that listeners learn the triggers in the order that they are given. I'm continuing to work on files and will post them as I have time. All of the first few files have the full induction because it's needed early in the process. Eventually, that will transition to a rapid induction once the sleep trigger has taken full effect.

    Components of part 4:

    Bubble Induction Buddy is taken under using a variation of Lutz Bubble Induction

    Bubble Acceptance - Buddy's old identity is broken down to make room for Buddy, a completely compliant, cute little boy. 

    Named and Drained - The old identity is broken down and Buddy is introduced as the listener's new identity. Buddy loves being a cute little boy in tiny briefs or a thick padded diaper and adoreable little boy clothing. Buddy's penis shrinks to the size of a prepubescent boy, and his mind is further empties to make room for his little boy programming. *Note - Physical changes may or may not be possible with hypnosis, so the focus here is changing Buddy's perception of his tiny penis. That change in perception may or may not lead to actual physical changes over time.

    Uniformed - Buddy loves being dressed up in the most adoreable, childish clothing all the time. Anytime that the listener is dressed in childish clothing, tiny little briefs or thick padded diapers, Buddy feels in control. The listener learns that dressing up like a good little boy brings pleasure. The listener is locked into his little boy clothing to keep Buddy in control and is only able to remove diapers or other childish clothing while sucking on a bottle, pacifier, or phalic object. *Little Boy Sexual Content Note - Buddy is presented with the ability to suck on a penis in order to remove clothing. That is the third option since nipples also work, so it should be a fairly easy suggestion to work around. It was in the original script and I kept that part because, in my mind, Buddy just likes to suck on things and a penis is just as good as anything else, lol. 

    Buddy Awakens - Buddy is given his sleep trigger before being given permission to wake up and continue his day as an adoreable, cute, and compliant little boy.

    Download all five Buddy Takeover files on my patreon for only $5


    Age Regression
    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 1:19:23
    Downloads: 55
    Trigger(by yourself)