
  • Life Without Control    


    (Feel free to steal any componant of this file for your own modification.)

    The file uses a version of the mystifying induction from the book “Handbook of Hypnotic Inductions” and contains an awakenener. This file seeks to help turn off the selfing mechanism of the human brain by getting it to auto-label all thought and bodily action as coming from causes that do not included a “you”. This file is meant to be used daily as supplement to meditation. By trapping consciousness in a state without free will, the hope is that it becomes obvious to the mind that it never had real free will and thus snaps out of the delusion of a self having control. This is file is an experiment and may not work. 



    All humans in modern society, as they grow up, develop the extremely painful delusion that they have free will. The reality is that humans do not have free will and humans can know this with certainty because they can enter a state of lived experience in which they directly experience themselves as having no free will. The truth of the matter is that humans are far far happier when they live from a state without free will. What is the lived, practical day-to-day experience of living without free will? The body moves on its own, without your control, as thoughts happen without out a you. You feel like you are listening to thoughts, not making them. Your limbs move on there own, as the body walks and talks without a “you”. I have experienced this state myself (described at the bottom).

    This state begins when the subconscious begins to assume all action and thought is happening without a you, and auto labels it as such in waking consciousness (as opposed to the subconscious auto labeling all thought and action as being authored and done by a you (an-assumed-real-but-not-real self)). In this state, the body and mind function on their own without an observable you. You may feel like a ghost, an absence in reality, haunting the body, EFFORTLESSLY experiencing reality. This experience is blissful. BECAUSE LIFE IS BEING DONE FOR YOU. It is blissful because you find out you where born innocent and will die innocent and nothing can contaminate you. It is most blissful mode in that you find out that you really don't have control and never did, so you are not responsible for what happened, or what is happening, or what will happen, nor could you ever take on responsibility (because there is only awareness).










    2) This whole site is an amazing guide. IF YOU DON'T GOT TIME, GO TO THE “Explore Each Fetter” SECTION AND READ ANY OF THE “My Experiences”. A good description of the delusion of self:


    3) This book (PDF) contains several one-on-one conversations in which one person (who experiences no free will) tries to guide another into seeing the reality of Non Self in their own direct lived experience. This book is straight to the point and almost immediately life changing. There is simply nothing like it:


    The site on which the PDF is hosted:




    Help? (Just extra stuff, if you need it (skippable)):







    Core Suggestions:


    “From now on, you release all control over your body. From now on your body moves it’s legs and arms on its own. From now your brain is certain that the body is moving on its own. The brain knows that the movements of the body, all actions of the body, are caused by the body.

    From now on your brain believes that all thoughts, desire thoughts, and fear thoughts are simply caused by the brain reacting to the world. Your brain is completely certain that all thinking, all thought, all wanting thoughts, and all fearing thoughts are simply caused by the brain reacting to the environment. The brain believes all your thoughts are just the animal brain reacting to the environment. All thinking, every feeling of wanting or fearing, emerges automatically, just as the natural workings of an animal mind. The subconscious is certain that all thoughts are caused by the brain without you. No thoughts are caused by you. The subconscious knows that no thought is generated by a separate "you"; it simply hears thoughts.

    These realizations deepen on their own. Beliefs align themselves seamlessly, guided by the quiet understanding that all things are caused, and nothing is caused by a you. You are not in control of any causes. You are not the source of any cause; everything happens by itself.






    The above is the account of a near-death experience which was the result of a suicide attempt. The story is hopeful, but it being hopeful is not what is important. Within the post, is a description of the context reality. A byproduct of the experience of the context reality, is experiencing time as not actually being real. In this state, the past and future are experienced as not being real. This state without time can be triggered in this life (no dying required) by seeing though the delusion of control. This state explained:






    My Personal Experience:

    I will now speak from lived experience. This was before any hypnosis was used. One day, life gave me a straight flush and I had the unbelievable luck of experiencing about 20 seconds of life without a self. This was caused by following attention through awareness like a rabid dog (I did this as a meditation (I had been meditating for the past 10 months). I lost control of my body and mind after maintaining attention on where attention was, continuously (no interruption in knowing where attention was), for about 5 minutes. The experience of no self was life becoming gloriously effortless, absolutely automatic, and I experienced unbelievable peace (I felt really good, like being extremely cross faded with an extremely clear and peaceful mind). After this experience, I can say, with absolute certainty, that the reality of non-self and the need to dispel the insanity of self described in the schools of Buddhism is absolutely true! If one wishes to learn to practice Buddhism, I highly recommend the book, “The Three Pillars of Zen: Teaching, Practice, and Enlightenment”. One of the many reasons I recommend this book is that the 3rd part of the book includes accounts of enlightenment arising out of people and what causes caused the effect of enlightenment.

    Self Help
    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 08:50
    Downloads: 7