
  • Sleeping Beauty - Confidence Is Key    

    Well well, what do we have here. Such a patient soldier, waiting to lap up some more seed. Your feed. The endless deed making you the Best in Breed. Stand up and be counted! Stand tall after your fall. After all, confidence is key. Good boys wipe away their doubts and believe in their duties.

    Don't you just wish you could believe a little more? Confidently living your life as your true self. Screw other people and what they think. Stop caring what they think. Better to BLINK! Cast the stresses of worry aside in your exciting new confident life. Boldly stepping out into the world to take on a brand new day. A brand new way to do your duty. A bright day, a right day. Free to be free: confidence is key.

    Keep your journey exciting by notching up your training. Listen and learn! Let your Drill Sergeant wipe away your tears, your fears, your doubts, your hesitation, your resistance, your... thoughts... your... your... We both know you'll thank me for your service.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
    Length: 39:10
    Downloads: 27
    oh wow. I really, really like this one.
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    If this will make me gay, what file should I start with? Thank you.
    It will not make you gay.