
  • Sissy - Complete Shame Dissolver    
    This file is designed for sissies only. YOU MUST BE CROSSDRESSED AT LEAST TO SOME DEGREE FOR THIS FILE. This file might cause you to change your behaviours and force you to do certain actions. I take no responsibility if this file makes you do things you didn't originally intend. It is very powerful so listen at your own risk.
     The main goal of this file to completely and utterly eliminate any nasty shame about being a crossdressing sissy. After listening to this file, the listener will find themselves confident,out-going and extremely aroused. That's right, on top of being completely shameless, the listener will also experience great arousal whenever they catch themselves doing something slutty or a bit risky. The act of not being embarrassed will be a trigger in itself, causing the sissy to feel extreme arousal in many situations. This file also encourages online exposure, whether it is from the waist down only or maybe just creating a sissy account. They can start off slow, but eventually this file DOES force the listener to expose themselves someway or the other. If you are not okay with anything i just listed off, you should NOT listen to this recording. But if you're intrigued and you want to eliminate some doubts or embarrassments about you, then feel free to listen.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 19:52
    Downloads: 21