
  • B22 BOY SLUT TRAINING - Stretch That Hole Boy! — $10    

    Stretch That Hole Boy is the twenty-second installment of the BOY SLUT TRAINING series.  This instruction will further your awareness that your desire, purpose, and need is to offer pleasure to dominant men. You will further learn to accept the instructions of dominant men, without question.  You will learn that stretching your boy-hole leads to a craving that enhances a pig-boy’s desirability.  Through practice, using dildos and butt plugs, pig boys can take submission to new heights of sexual pleasure. 

    As always, Sir Voice welcomes your comments.  You can correspond directly with Sir Voice by using the direct message feature of this website or through email at SirVoice123@proton.me.  Be sure and look for future installments of this series.  Good boy!

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 22:09
    Downloads: 7
    Permanent(when safe)