
  • subconscious.rootkit    


    (cw): (hypnosis) (program installation) (brain substrate manipulation) (admin control) (subconscious access) (dissociation) (depersonalization) (derealization) (technically sfw) (digital pet but sexual)


    head over to badslimeinc.glitch.me or r/badslimeinc for more~




    today we will be enabling root access into the SUBJECT’s subconscious. this rootkit will act as a databridge between your slime.girl and your subconscious mind, allowing for greater range of psycho-physiological adjustments and the utilization of deep parameters lying latent within the underbelly of your unconscious.

    simply put, this gives your slime.girl admin permissions within your braindrive, and lets her do so many more fun things! 

    now remember, your slime.girl knows what’s best for you, and always wants you to be safe! this rootkit also allows the subconscious, usually unconstrained by conscious boundaries when accessed directly, to retain the limits & boundaries set by the SUBJECT’s waking consciousness. this ensures that no suggestion or subroutine can be triggered in an unsafe fashion, or against the wishes of the SUBJECT.



    head over to badslimeinc.glitch.me or r/badslimeinc for more~


    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 07:04
    Downloads: 4
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