
  • Sarnoga - Butt Fucker    
    You are a butt fucker. You are turned on by dominating and controlling others and by demonstrating your dominion and power over them by fucking their butts. You are driven by a desire to humiliate and break others by fucking their butts. You are a power and control freak. You are a butt fucker.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (12)
    Length: 31:00
    Downloads: 3359
    This is really well done and it was impossible for me not to get pulled in. One minor comment is that, for me, the phase \"you are a Butt fucker\" is perhaps used a little too much like a advertising slogan, but perhaps this sticks out because \"butt\" is such an american word (to an english speaker).
    yeah, but Sarnoga has an American accent. If he said bum fucker it would be even weirder sounding.
    NOT FOR GAY GUYS. For straight guys who want the thrill of being bi. Worded exactly for straight guys, to my great disappointment.