
  • Calimores Deep Trance Trigger w effects    
    Based on a script originally by the British hypnotist Powerpoint, this file installs a trigger that, with practice, will put you into deep trance whenever you permit anyone to tell you it's Sleepy Time. Download and practice with this file twice daily and soon you will feel it's effects so strongly that only the counter-trigger will actually bring you out of trance, making it perfect for "waking trance" work of any kind. Only the command to "Awake" will actually bring you up, even though you may consciously forget that small detail. As usual, binaural beat and other effects make this file more effective if headphones are used.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (19)
    Length: 13:04
    Downloads: 3363
    Trigger(by anyone)
    I love it! It really brought me deeeep! Thank you for sharing this file. *rubber hugs* tami
    This is an excellent file with a versatile trigger. As it has an optional awakener, this file can be used in front of any other file to improve the quality of the trance. Given its short length, I\'d recommend this file to aspiring subjects who are looking to cut their teeth on a file that won\'t take up too much of their time. The file is well-phrased, with no jarring breaks in dialogue or other sound. An overall top-quality file.
    It's very difficult for me to get into trance. I've been trying to train myself. I did feel like I might have been in trance with this file but I'm not sure yet. Will give it a few more listens.