
  • Aural Sedation - Induction    
    This ultrasonic subliminal file demonstrates a new effect I'm calling "Aural Sedation", an effect that combines binaural beats in the ultrasonic range, along with subliminals and other effects to create a trance-like state without the need of a traditional induction. This sample file, entitled Induction, is nearly inaudible but incorporates EMG's Focus Induction, TrainSusceptable and Accelerator in it's subliminals, along with relaxing binaurals and suggestions to encourage repeated use. Please note that while the the file does have some effect without them, headphones are definitely suggested for an optimal experience.

    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (13)
    Length: 25:00
    Downloads: 4953
    Only while under
    I wow, it is so loud for those of with hyper sensitivity disorder this sound is right in the middle of our range and hurts the ears like a taser. Oh well only a small portion have this be warned if you do this is not the file for you, thx for trying though.
    Unfortunately this didn\'t have any affect on me. I didn\'t even go into a TV-watching type light trance.
    The effect is subtle, which is why I made the file to be looped. I\'ve started listening to this file (or another ultrasonic I am developing) for an hour before I listen to files and on my mp3 player when I am out and about. The file IS mastered on the LOUD side, so for those able to hear ultrasonics, be sure to turn the volume to a comfortable level.
    I heard this file once with normal stereo speakers on my computer and once with headphones... with headphones I only got back my tinnitus... with speakers I listened about about 10 minutes until my eyes got really confused and moved from left to right and back... really scary... Maybe I\'ll try this file in the subway when the little kids are bothering me again... this mysterious mosquito sound had the same effect on me.
    I have to listen again, I feel it didn\'t do anything and I got bored and my earphones already hurt my ears so I suppose I am wanting to hear something for wearing them !!!
    @angel123 One can also listen to the file on one computer in one mp3 player and music or even another hypnosis related file in another. I am also testing this file as a general background effect for future hypnosis mixes.
    This is definitely doing something for me. I\'ve been listening to this while gaming for the last few days - just below the game volume so it sounds like scratchy ambiance. I feel quite sleepy, my arms and legs become very heavy, my breathing slows and It makes me want to listen to the other files I\'ve been using. It\'s quite strange, but enjoyable!
    jesus. i dont think i have hypersensitivity disorder. just extremely acute hearing. this hurt my head really bad
    I don\'t know if it\'s the file specifically, but normally when I go the gym time goes at a snail\'s pace and 15 minutes seems like a lifetime. Today, I was listening to this file whilst on the treadmill and before I knew it 30 mins had passed - the time just flew by!
    I don\'t think I have hypersensitivity disorder, but I do have occasional ringing of the ears. I listened to this file, not knowing what I was in for. I got about thirty seconds in before I quit, because the ringing was louder than my own thoughts. Normally, said ringing ends quickly. I then waited for a half hour for the ringing induced by this file to stop. If you ever hear ringing of the ears, and you\'ll know what I mean if you do, do not listen to this. It isn\'t worth it for us with this problem.
    Working well so far, but can I loop a file over this? or will it ruin the effect of the subliminal.
    Works like a charm for me. I get a woozy, heavy-headed feeling. Things seem to be more calm & time seems dilated (if that makes sense). I\'ve listened to this a 2nd time while listening to Nikki Fatale\'s \'Wide Awake Fast Asleep\' file, and it was better than any other time. I\'ve only had this for a few days now, but I\'ve been running it in the background w/ other hypnodomme files as well. So far, so good. \n\nBTW, check out Jacqueline Powers on youtube
    is there a trigger in this, and is there a script ?