
  • Diaper Distraction    
    Whenever you are wearing a dry diaper, you will find yourself getting distracted from thinking about it. Whenever you think about your diaper, or about whether you need to pee, your subconscious mind will present you with something more interesting or more urgent to think about. This could also help people who listened to TrainDiaper or similar files. When testing to see if that file works, as soon as I put diapers on, I\'m constantly thinking about them, analysing how full my bladder feels, wondering if I\'m going to pee now, or soon, or later. With this file added on, I could put on a diaper and forget about it until until I\'m wet. This doesn\'t present a distraction if you think about a diaper because you need to take it off or change it. It doesn\'t make you forget you\'re diapered, just pushes that thought to the back of your mind.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (13)
    Length: 20:39
    Downloads: 4550
    Trigger(by item)
    Wow :) Its good to see one of my first suggestions getting made; though after quite a few repostings and edits to the suggestions. Not sure if I can still use this now, though - it doesn\'t sound like it would work too well in conjunction with age regression. Still, I\'ll at least download it, take a look and transcribe a script.
    a great file, it is a natural transition in diaper training and comfortable in diapers. thanks!
    I\'ve only listened to this once, but I was definitely in a trance: when I woke up my underwear was wet! Not soaked, but I\'d definitely dribbled, and I did not remember doing it. Definitely going to listen to it more. But I think I\'ll wear diapers to do so.