
  • Feel it happen!    
    Haxsaw was inundated with messages.It is easy for all the boys and girls at W.M.M.! The file takes over senses. Had you never been hypnotized this will leave you coming back for more. Mark got this file before a visitor came. What comments will he get for me.

    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3)
    Length: 12:19
    Downloads: 874
    My favourite non-erotic track..yes indeed
    Dear CQ,\n Correct name? Yes dear, I specialize in non-erotic. I have many who write the best thrill is lose control, be taken over and feel good in doing so. I often get requests for the erotic and/or kinky. I am glad you enjoy this file though. As was many first files it is roughly ten minutes. Some gentle listeners tell I can do in a short time what others cannot begin in a long time. I am glad you enjoyed it. I love you for listening.\nHaxsaw\n
    Dear Somehopper,\n I am glad you are pleased. My goal is to satisfy the gentle listener. I have other, non-erotic files. I also have some dealing with bondage of non-restraining order. Just search for Haxsaw and see the description. You can ask for a file of sorts. I can tell a name to a file I have, along that line, here. \nDefinitely,\nHaxsaw
    One of my favourite relaxation files <3 A couple of weird noises in the background (Someone sneezing?) but the file is good enough they're not a problem. I especially like how poetic the script is
    Dear Sissy Berry, I load every presentation with subliminal messages so the poetry is there. I honestly explain the more you listen the more you desire this. Sincerely, Haxsaw