
  • Assorted Command Modules.    
    Haxsaw was impressed with the expressions his files have brought. This file easily hypnotizes you. You receive instructions while swept in the sensation the encounter brings. File is not degrading and non-sexual. Many are lost in these files. Do you wish to surrender the stress life gave you? Listen now.

    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3)
    Length: 15:31
    Downloads: 932
    Thank you! I like to listen to a file at least 3 or 4 times before I comment to give me a chance to more fully experience the file\'s suggestions. I noticed this file Friday morning and my first listen made me melt down into my chair, loose and limp and relaxed like a rag doll - until the end of the file anyway! I held off commenting but it was on my mind much of the day. Second listen Friday evening I do not even remember the middle of the file. I was planning to delay commenting again but the desire to comment got the best of me several hours later - that suggestion seems to have influenced me well. I\'m looking forward to my next listen. There are several suggestions in this file I find intriguing, but I am not completely sensing or feeling them yet. I\'m curious to find out if I begin to experience these more fully or if I just continue going deeper to the point that I completely blank out the majority of the file. And I do enjoy the positive feelings your files instill.
    Dear Rgn, You are welcome. Many like soaking up the sensations. I respect the gentle listener. I allow depth to each file. One may absorb more, after repeated listens. I am often told by other gentle listeners their mind blanking out. I tell of the good we can find. Some tell the suggestions are not what they always agree with. They further explain it seems bad to not listen, at that point. Any comment on the suggestions that intrigue you?
    Just finished my third listen so I may still be slightly under. I did not sense blanking out but the file seemed to end faster. And it took a little longer to come out of trance and be able move this time. I remember feeling like I was a little wobbly and I seemed a little more stiff after I came out of trance. I think I was testing my ability to move more this time (or should I state my inability to move?). There is so much happening in this file that I am enjoying. But some of the suggestions that stand out to me are the transforming ones. I think I am able to trance very well with many files. But I tend to not strongly feel many sensations that are suggested and I often do not visualize with pictures. Several of your recent files are similar in nature with subtle differences. I think this is helping me improve in these areas. For example, I\'m starting to remember feeling more things - like the shadow of you in front of me holding the candle, actually being/walking in a hallway, seeing me grasp the doorknob before opening a door. I saw myself change into a dog but did not really feel it (same with the dragon) - but I did have a slight running sensation. Today I also had a slight feeling of something around my neck as if I were actually wearing the collar. I\'m very pleased with my progress.
    Dear Rgn, I am pleased, also. Others told liking the idea of someone there, during their listen. Some told it was nice while others told how it gave the true sense of being led. I would assumed this deals with the feeling the file hands out? I need stop, midway, and re-write as feelings. I jot this down in the plural as many tell of the depth the files bring. I am glad you are plunging into a new dimension. The file causes interruption in time and space. Repeated listening offers new sensations, due to the nature of the words. I wait more from you. Thank you again for sharing this.
    I really like the file but I\'m really put off by the collar. Last time I listened to it it made me come awake. The general style is great though.
    Dear Sudo,\n I know, I know. I see. I receive so many comments for the use of the collar. I placed the command in and many seemed to like it somewhat. It was a situatation where I cannot please them all. Thank you for appreciating the style I use in most of my files. I find I can do in my little files what others cannot in larger files. I have a small following. I am glad you appreciate one aspect of this. Thank you.\nSincerely,\nHAxsaw
    I don\'t know whether I\'ve commented before, but I enjoy your files. There is a delightful quirkiness to them, sometimes sexy, sometimes simply nice to be in your presence in this way. Thank you.
    Dear Friend,\n Thank you again. I am told, many times, it is like I am with them. I am told it is the way I interact with the gentle listener. I have some telling after listening to a few files they are afterwards turned on to actions they never dreamed of.\n I have never received a comment from you before yet you will, again. Some have told being lost to them is nice. Others confess the idea of opening up, being themselves and becoming submissive is rather delightful, despite the oddness. I was uploading some schoolgirl files lately, by request. \nSincerely,\nHaxsaw