
  • Gently raped.    
    A short-term fantasy, being raped by a stranger. This is Rapist, Version 1.00. It is for the girls. It is for all the many girls. File contains no humiliation. Rated (X) for sexual bonding. Haxsaw asked the file be recorded extra loud, so to be heard without headphones. He also asked for more comments, afterwards.

    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (8)
    Length: 11:16
    Downloads: 2754
    Only while under
    Dear Girls,\n Ever wanted more in a file yet could not find it here? Write to me and ask I make you a custom file, dear. Cost is $5.00. I accept foreign currency. I take payment via Western Union or Money Order. Write me now and feel the difference.\nSincerely,\nHaxsaw
    I dream off being filled with cum in my cunt. But I dont see any relating files like that
    Dear Nippleslave, I am sure the file gave, as was limited to, concerning this topic. I limit, as to not create trauma, either here or in the future. Sincerely, Haxsaw
    I would love to have a file that all included coming inside
    Sigh* autocorrect lol