
  • FemaleDreamTrainer by Lobotaru   , , ,  
    Audio version and a Binaural version of a script "FemaleDreamTrainer" by Lobotaru. 2008 script version of a 2003 file. ~~~ ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: This script is a modified version of the Female Dreams file made by EMG. It has all references to memory swap removed and replaced with suggestions that encourage having female dreams. This file is intended to be used as a training file so that a subject can eventually use the original Female Dreams file to full effect. ~~~ The Binaural version may give you a buzz, but neither version has an induction to put you into trance. These versions may be combined with separate upload of "Feminize Dreams" BODY or BINAURAL. Repeated listens may lead to a permanent female state of mind, which may not be completely reversible.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (7)
    Downloads: 483
    I love all Liann\'s files so I\'m hoping I\'ll like this. I think I will. Jenny.