
  • The One hundredth. (A.)   ,  
    This is for the guys belonging to The Men's Club. This file will relax you. This file will bind you. This file will sexually please you. It is just for the men. Rated (X) for actions related to sex. I had many requests for this specific type of file. To honor the numerous requests you now are looking upon the end result.

    Orgasm Control
    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (4)
    Length: 16:34
    Downloads: 1619
    Temporary(fixed time)
    The tag of \"gay men\" for audience is inaccurate as this file contains explicit references to sex with women.
    Dear Jeshi,\n Some homosexual men have sex with regular ladies. Some do this once, then never again. Some may do it to \"get straight.\" Some may do this to experiment. In any event, enjoy.\nHaxsaw
    Sorry, but we are not very attracted to vaginas, nor do we think they will help us \"get straight.\" And they won\'t.
    Dear Amarino,\n Hello friend. I detect an angered countenance from you. I note you place yourself in the wording we as opposed to I. Some men of homosexual activity do get a girl. Some keep them long-term. Some have them once, then never again. I am not here for a senseless argument. I wish peace be unto you. I did post files homosexuals would enjoy. I believe one may be entitled, Placed in a Girl\'s Body. I also have some French Maid series files of rather average quality. Several homosexuals wrote to me as they enjoyed them. It is their requests that give me ideas for such. I am not angered with you. I even have gentle listeners ask for files of making love to animals. None of them sincerely desire to attempt this. They merely want live the fantasy. For a site as this we can best tolerate what is found here, even should it, at times, displease us. The world is made of many people, filled with different desires. \nSincerely,\nHaxsaw
    Gay men who have long term relationships with women are called bisexual men. The term gay man implies that they are exclusively homosexual, if they tried sex with a woman then they did not enjoy it. The tag remains inaccurate.
    Dear Jeshi,\n I am not here to place this issue for endless debate with you. Despite what you call it, some homosexual men have had sexual relations with the ladies. It is a file, enjoy it as best you can. I have many other files as well. Have a nice day.\nSincerely,\nHaxsaw
    I\'m with Jeshi and amario.\nSomeone looking for files that are marked for \'Gay Men\' is not interested in women.\nI know, because I\'m one of those people.
    I just want to state that the reason this is so important is that there are not that many files out there specifically made for gay men, and searching for them can be quite frustrating. If people tag anything as \"for gay men\", then the tag has no meaning and the search juse becomes harder and more frustrating.
    Dear Late,\n Based on what I know and here, based on what is requested, I usually get men who are wanting to dress and act as ladies. I rarely make files specifically for them. I rarely make files for homosexual men either. I deal with odd, off the wall subjects, even object orientation. \nSincerely,\nHaxsaw
    Dear Late,\n Should you like, try the Living Doll files. I made a few. Some homosexual men liked them.\nSincerely,\nHaxsaw
    This isn\'t for gay men. Change the tags.
    We gay guys are obviously not members of haxsaw's "the mens club" i suppose we would understand if we were "members".