
  • Sex Slave.    
    This file is for the girls. It is you are enslaved, so to speak. You are made to believe you must live life differently. In reality, a girls who does not feel satisfied with her appearance would love a wonderful file like this. I state that as it leans more on self-esteem issues than anything. It is for the submissive spirit. Several girls wrote of the desire to be submissive. They tell they want to follow something. This easy file is relaxing. It is to the point. I made it long. You can feel comfortable with the subject.

    Rating: ★★☆☆☆ (1)
    Length: 20:33
    Downloads: 1200
    I don’t know what it is about haxsaw’s technique but it works superbly for me. All of his files draw me in and do the business. Keep it up Haxsaw please, your work is appreciated. I especially enjoy the ones with explicit commands even if they are as mundane as “smile now.” There is something very exciting about being helpless and obeying at such a deep level.
    Thank you dear friend. I am one who does in a short time what others cannot. First of all, I am of service to you. I am glad you are under my powers, even if only for a few minutes.
    I will then, dear keep you as my special pet. I love and respect you all. I am glad I excited you from afar.
    you certainly do achieve in a short space of time what others cannot. Smiles at \"special pet\".
    I love you too.
    Dear Stu1,\n Hello dear pet. I respect you so. I am touched by your appreciation. I will try, really try making a file complete with explicit commands. Many gentle listeners tell they enjoy this. Well! As I am of service to you I will hear and obey, then. I thank you now.\nSincerely,
    wow. appreciated. look forward to seeing it.
    Dear stu1,\n Please, please tell me now. Tell me what you dream most to be commanded do. Even if out of this world, let me know. It will seriously take time. I have some good friends of EMG who are trying to help me adjust sound troubles. Are you okay with longer files? How long is a file for you? Considering the excitement of mental entrapment: i.e. only able to obey at a deep level I place you in, is a long file alright? Would you quickly be bored with files over ten minutes? Would you be bored with files over twenty minutes? How far do you expect an explicit command to go? Thank you so much my pet.\nSincerely,\nHaxsaw
    I have quite happily listened to files lasting almost an hour (such as the catgirl – gogo girl file) so length is not a problem for me and I am also impressed with what you achieve with your short files. Commands can be quite simple, even the Victoria Secrets modelling poses were fun. I have no idea as to my limits in terms of obeying a file other than it shouldn’t involve anyone else I guess.
    Dear Stu1,\n Hello my favorite pet. I love you now. I loved you before. I love you tomorrow. I have a few rules. All are based on the realization I place many, many gentle listeners deep; quite deep. I am guessing two of my files involve a group. One is Cartoon Basics. I may have the title wrong. The gentle listeners are requested to dress in a favorite costume. In the file you become the character you are dressed as. At end you pose and are frozen, as a mannequin would be. Victoria Secrets modeling is pure, alone time, of course. Regarding group activities, I do not believe in them. I would not an outside member harm my gentle listener. Another rule is never are you humiliated as in becoming a human toilet. I have read of this. Disgusting. Girls seem to like feeling loss of control.
    So, in the file Living doll I embarrass the girls as much as possible. I am seated at the keyboard of the computer this noon time. A warm day, again. Pulling names by memory, only. In that file the girl is placed on display. Many girls feel being on display is so hot. I use the feeling as leverage. I expose the girls. I go back, later... many girls download it. I put up a file to help the mind... it is basically ignored. I will try for the half hour files then. A long file for me, as you can see, is basically twenty minutes. An average file is ten.
    I never, ever curse a gentle listener. I would never make you think of penis while eating hot dogs, for instance. I rarely ever do long-term effect. Well, pull up Haxsaw as author on this site and see what else you find. I must warn Electric Indulgence, for the girls is rather heated.
    Very much enjoyed your living doll and Victoria secrets file.\n\nHaven’t listened to the “cartoon basic” file so will def give it a go tonight. Will try writing down “maid.” Also missed your electrical indulgence files so will check those out.\n\nStu1
    \"Pretty Toy, Sexual Version,\" \"Succubus,\" I think.... not sure at this time.
    \"The Bra Filler,\" \"Obedient Girl,\" \"Hypno-pet for Me,\" \"Mind Set.\" I see, I see. You have listened to the \"Living Doll,\" files. I also made \"Permanent Wave.\" You told you listened already to \"Check-Mate.\"
    As you want what you do you will listen to \"Incubus.\" It is for the girls. As your leverage is the fear of what is unknown I can make you fun files. I have work this weekend again. I also am dropping off educational books to some poor people running a school in a depressed area. As you want to be a maid now then you will be a maid now. I will have you serve me and enjoy it. You are addicted to me. You will listen to me over and over. I am of service to you. While serving me you will think you nothing but a girl. Is this okay? How was the file play?
    I will listen to incubus tonight though the supernatural doesnt hold any attraction for me I suspect other elements of the file will. And yes that does sound good. :)
    Dear Stu1,\n I need ask again. Are you comfortable thinking like a girl? Once I make you that file there is no turning back from it. You will listen to it often. Whenever it wears off you need listen again. In such you will think as a girl again. You can and will think as I want you to.\n Once it takes place, mentally, my other files will help you change, a little bit, physically. Short of taking Estrogen you are what you are. Have you not money to buy Estrogen eat a large, large amount of soy. Tofu is one source that comes to mind. Eating in the correct form causes the body to naturally produce Estrogen.